

  1. To learn the applications of statistics in business decision making.

Basic definitions and rules for probability, conditional probability independence of events, Baye‘s theorem, and random variables, Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Uniform and Normal distributions.

Introduction to sampling distributions, sampling distribution of mean and proportion, application of central limit theorem, sampling techniques. Estimation: Point and Interval estimates for population parameters of large sample and small samples, determining the sample size.

Hypothesis testing: one sample and two sample tests for means and proportions of large samples (ztest), one sample and two sample tests for means of small samples (t-test), F-test for two sample standard deviations. ANOVA one and two way

Chi-square test for single sample standard deviation. Chi-square tests for independence of attributes and goodness of fit. Sign test for paired data. Rank sum test. Kolmogorov-Smirnov – test for goodness of fit, comparing two populations. Mann – Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test. One sample run test.

Correlation – Coefficient of Determination – Rank Correlation – Regression – Estimation of Regression line – Method of Least Squares – Standard Error of estimate

  1. 1) To facilitate objective solutions in business decision making.
  2. 2) To understand and solve business problems.
  3. 3) To apply statistical techniques to data sets, and correctly interpret the results.
  4. 4) To develop skill-set that is in demand in both the research and business environments.
  5. 5) To enable the students to apply the statistical techniques in a work setting.

  1. 1) Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin, Masood H.Siddiqui, Sanjay Rastogi, Statistics for Management,Pearson Education, 8th Edition, 2017
  2. 2) Prem. S. Mann, Introductory Statistics, Wiley Publications, 9th Edition, 2015
  3. 3) T N Srivastava and Shailaja Rego, Statistics for Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition 2017.
  4. 4) Ken Black, Applied Business Statistics, 7th Edition, Wiley India Edition, 2012.
  5. 5) David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A.Williams, Jeffrey D.Camm, James J.Cochran, Statistics for business and economics, 13th edition, Thomson (South – Western) Asia, Singapore, 2016.
  6. 6) N. D. Vohra, Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017


  1. To familiarize the students to the basic concepts of management in order to aid in understanding how an organization functions, and in understanding the complexity and wide variety of issues managers face in today's business firms.
  2. To acquaint the students with the fundamentals of managing business and to understand individual and group behaviour at work place so as to improve the effectiveness of an organization. The course will use and focus on Indian experiences, approaches and cases.

Evolution of management Thought-Classical, Behavioral and Management Science Approaches Management- meaning, levels, management as an art or science, Managerial functions and Roles, Evolution of Management Theory- Classical era- Contribution of F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol, NeoClassical-Mayo & Hawthorne Experiments. • Modern era – system & contingency approach Managerial Skills

Planning - Steps in Planning Process - Scope and Limitations - Forecasting and types of Planning - Characteristics of a sound Plan - Management by Objectives (MBO) - Policies and Strategies - Scope and Formulation - Decision Making - Types, Techniques and Processes.

Meaning of Organizational behavior, contributing disciplines, importance of organizational behavior, Perception and Learning - Personality and Individual Differences - Motivation theories and Job Performance - Values, Attitudes and Beliefs - Communication Types-Process - Barriers - Making Communication Effective.

Groups and Teams: Definition, Difference between groups and teams, Stages of Group Development, Group Cohesiveness, Types of teams, Group Dynamics - Leadership - Styles - Approaches - Power and Politics - Organisational Structure - Organisational Climate and Culture, Conflict: concept, sources, Types, Stages of conflict, Management of conflict Organisational Change and Development.

Comparative Management Styles and approaches - Japanese Management Practices Organizational Creativity and Innovation - Organizational behavior across cultures - Conditions affecting cross cultural organizational operations, Managing International Workforce, Productivity and cultural contingencies, Cross cultural communication, Management of Diversity.

  1. CO1 Understanding of various management concepts and skills required in the business world
  2. CO2 In-depth knowledge of various functions of management in a real time management context
  3. CO3 Understanding of the complexities associated with management of individual behavior in the organizations
  4. CO4 Develop the skillset to have manage group behaviour in Organizations
  5. CO5 Insights about the current trends in managing organizational behaviou

  1. Andrew J. Dubrin, Essentials of Management, Thomson Southwestern, 10th edition, 2016.
  2. Samuel C. Certo and S.Trevis Certo, Modern Management: Concepts and Skills, Pearson education, 15th edition, 2018.
  3. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management: An International, Innovation, And Leadership Perspective, 10th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.
  4. Charles W.L Hill and Steven L McShane, „Principles of Management, McGraw Hill Education, Special Indian Edition, 2017.
  5. Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A.Judge, Organisational Behavior, PHI Learning / Pearson Education, 16th edition, 2014.
  6. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behavior, McGraw Hill, 12th Edition, 2013.
  7. Don Hellriegel, Susan E. Jackson and John W,Jr Slocum, Management: A competency-Based Approach, Thompson South Western,11th edition, 2008.
  8. Heinz Weihrich, Mark V Cannice and Harold Koontz, Management- A global entrepreneurial perspective, Tata McGraw Hill, 12th edition, 2008.
  9. Stephen P. Robbins, David De Cenzo and Mary Coulter, Fundamentals Of Management, Prentice Hall of India,9 th edition 2016.
  10. McShane, Mary V. Glinow, Organizational Behavior, 8th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2017.
  11. Nelson, Quick, Khandelwal. ORGB – An innovative approach to learning and teaching. Cengage learning. 2nd edition. 2012
  12. Robert Konopaske, John M Ivancevich, Michael T Matteson, Oranizational Behavior and Management, 11th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017.
  13. Udai Pareek, Understanding Organisational Behavior, 3rd Edition, Oxford Higher Education, 2011.
  14. . Jerald Greenberg, Behavior in Organizations, PHI Learning. 10th edition. 2011


  • To introduce the concepts of scarcity and efficiency; to explain principles of micro economics relevant to managing an organization; to describe principles of macroeconomics to have the understanding of economic environment of business.

The themes of economics – scarcity and efficiency – three fundamental economic problems – society’s capability – Production possibility frontiers (PPF) – Productive efficiency Vs economic efficiency – economic growth & stability – Micro economies and Macro economies – the role of markets and government – Positive Vs negative externalities

Market – Demand and Supply – Determinants – Market equilibrium – elasticity of demand and supply – consumer behaviour – consumer equilibrium – Approaches to consumer behaviour – Production – Short-run and long-run Production Function – Returns to scale – economies Vs diseconomies of scale – Analysis of cost – Short-run and long-run cost function – Relation between Production and cost function.

Product market – perfect and imperfect market – different market structures – Firm’s equilibrium and supply – Market efficiency – Economic costs of imperfect competition – factor market – Land, Labour and capital – Demand and supply – determination of factor price – Interaction of product and factor market – General equilibrium and efficiency of competitive markets.

Macro-economic aggregates – circular flow of macroeconomic activity – National income determination – Aggregate demand and supply – Macroeconomic equilibrium – Components of aggregate demand and national income – multiplier effect – Demand side management – Fiscal policy in theory.

Short-run and Long-run supply curve – Unemployment and its impact – Okun’s law – Inflation and the impact – reasons for inflation – Demand Vs Supply factors –Inflation Vs Unemployement tradeoff – Phillips curve –short- run and long-run –Supply side Policy and management- Money market- Demand and supply of money – money-market equilibrium and national income – the role of monetary policy.

  1. 1) To introduce the concepts of scarcity and efficiency
  2. 2) To explain principles of microeconomics relevant to managing an organization
  3. 3) To describe principles of macroeconomics
  4. 4) To have the understanding of economic environment of business.
  5. 5) To study about the policies that regulate economic variables

  1. 1) Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus, Sudip Chaudhuri and Anindya Sen, Economics, 19th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2011
  2. 2) William Boyes and Michael Melvin, Textbook of economics, Biztantra, 7 th edition 2008.
  3. 3) N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economics, 8 th edition, Thomson learning, New Delhi,2017.
  4. 4) Richard Lipsey and Alec Chrystal, Economics, 13th edition, Oxford, University Press, New Delhi, 2015.
  5. 5) Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, 12th edition, Pearson, Education Asia, New Delhi, 2017.
  6. 6) Panneerselvam. R, Engineering Economics, 2 nd Edition, PHI Learning, 2014.



Introduction to Financial, Cost and Management Accounting – Generally accepted accounting principles– Double Entry System – Preparation of Journal, Ledger and Trial Balance Preparation of Final Accounts: Trading, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet - Reading the financial statements

Financial ratio analysis, Interpretation of ratio for financial decisions- Dupont Ratios – Comparative statements - common size statements. Cash flow (as per Accounting Standard 3) and Funds flow statement analysis – Trend Analysis.

Cost Accounts – Classification of costs – Job cost sheet – Job order costing – Process costing – (excluding Interdepartmental Transfers and equivalent production) – Joint and By Product Costing – Activity Based Costing, Target Costing.

Marginal Costing and profit planning – Cost, Volume, Profit Analysis – Break Even Analysis – Decision making problems -Make or Buy decisions -Determination of sales mix - Exploring new markets - Add or drop products -Expand or contract

Budgetary Control – Sales, Production, Cash flow, fixed and flexible budget – Standard costing and Variance Analysis – (excluding overhead costing) -Accounting standards and accounting disclosure practices in India.

  1. 1) A thorough grounding of financial accounting concepts
  2. 2) Preparation of financial statement analysis
  3. 3) Understand the management and cost accounting techniques
  4. 4) Apply the management and cost accounting techniques for decision making
  5. 5) Assess the accountancy standards of practices in India

  1. 1) R. Narayanaswamy, Financial Accounting, PHI, sixth edition, 2017.
  2. 2) M.Y. Khan & P.K. Jain, Management Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill, 8 th edtion, 2018.
  3. 3) T.S. Reddy & A. Murthy, Financial Accounting, Margham Publications, 2014
  4. 4) Jan Williams, Susan Haka, Mark S bettner, Joseph V Carcello, Financial and Managerial Accounting - The basis for business Decisions, 18th edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2017
  5. 5) Charles T. Horngren, Gary L.Sundem, David Burgstahler, Jeff Schatzberg, Introduction to Management Accounting, PHI Learning, 2014 , 16th edition.
  6. 6) Earl K. Stice& James D.Stice, Financial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis, 8th edition, Cengage Learining, 2015
  7. 7) N.M. Singhvi, Ruzbeh J.Bodhanwala, Management Accounting – Text and cases,3 rd edition PHI Learning, 2018
  8. 7) Ashish K. Battacharya, Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis, Elsiever, 2012.


  • The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with various laws that will help them to refine their understanding of how law affects the different aspects of business.

Definition of contract, essentials elements and types of a contract, Formation of a contract, performance of contracts, breach of contract and its remedies, Quasi contracts - Contract Of Agency: Nature of agency, Creation and types of agents, Authority and liability of Agent and principal: Rights and duties of principal and agents, termination of agency.
Nature of Sales contract, Documents of title, risk of loss, Guarantees and Warranties, performance of sales contracts, conditional sales and rights of an unpaid seller
Nature and requisites of negotiable instruments. Types of negotiable instruments, liability of parties, holder in due course, special rules for Cheque and drafts, discharge of negotiable instruments.

COMPANY ACT 1956&2013
Major principles – Nature and types of companies, Formation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus, Power, duties and liabilities of Directors, winding up of companies, Corporate Governance.
Competition Act 2002 - Introduction, Definitions, Enquiry into Certain Agreements and Dominant Position of Enterprise and Combinations

An Overview of Factories Act - Payment of Wages Act - Payment of Bonus Act - Industrial Disputes Act.

Corporate Tax Planning, Corporate Taxes and Overview of Latest Developments in Indirect tax Laws relating to GST:An introduction including constitutional aspects, Levy and collection of CGST & IGST, Basic concept of time and value of supply, Input tax credit, Computation of GST Liability, Registration, Tax Invoice, Credit & Debit Notes, Electronic Way bill, Returns, Payment of taxes including Reverse Charge

Consumer Protection Act – Consumer rights, Procedures for Consumer grievances redressal, Types of consumer Redressal Machineries and Forums-- Cyber crimes, IT Act 2000 and 2002, Cyber Laws, Introduction of IPR Intellectual Property Laws- Introduction, Legal Aspects of Patents, Filing of Patent Applications, Rights from Patents, Infringement of Patents, Copyright and its Ownership, Infringement of Copyright, Civil Remedies for Infringement.– Copy rights, Trade marks, Patent Act. Introduction, Right to Information Act, 2005

  1. 1) Understand the fundamental legal principles in developing various contracts and commercial laws in the business world
  2. 2) Identify the common forms of business associations and elements of Corporate Governance
  3. 3) Develop insights regarding the laws related to industrial environment
  4. 4) Ability to understand the fundamentals of corporate tax and GST
  5. 5) Understand the role of consumer rights and cyber laws in the modern business environment

  1. 1) N. D. Kapoor, Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand and Company, India, 2017.
  2. 2) P. K. Goel, Business Law for Managers, Biztantatara Publishers, India, 2017.
  3. 3) Akhileshwar Pathak, Legal Aspects of Business, Tata McGraw Hill,, 6th Edition 2018.
  4. 4) Ravinder Kumar, Legal Aspects of Business, New Delhi: Cengage Learning, 4 th edition, 2016
  5. 5) Sinha P.K, Dr. Vinod Singhania, Text Book of Indirect Tax, Taxman Publication, New Delhi
  6. 6) Taxmann, GST Manual with GST Law Guide & Digest of Landmark Rulings, 11th Edition, 2019
  7. 7) P. P. S. Gogna, Mercantile Law, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., India, Fourth Edition, 2015.
  8. 8) Dr. Vinod K. Singhania, Direct Taxes Planning and Management, 11 th, 2007.
  9. 9) Richard Stim, Intellectual Property- Copy Rights, Trade Marks, and Patents, Cengage Learning,15 th edition 2017.
  10. 10) Daniel Albuquerque, Legal Aspect of Business, Oxford,2 nd edition, 2017
  11. 11) Ravinder Kumar– Legal Aspect of Business.– Cengage Learning, 4 th Edition-2016.
  12. 12) V.S. Datey, GST Ready Reckoner, 9 th edition, 2019


  • To understand the importance of information in business
  • To know about the recent information systems and technologies.

Data, Information, Information System, evolution, types based on functions and hierarchy, Enterprise and functional information systems.

System development methodologies, Systems Analysis and Design, Data flow Diagram (DFD), Decision table, Entity Relationship (ER), Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD), UML diagram.

DBMS – types and evolution, RDBMS, OODBMS, RODBMS, Data warehousing, Data Mart, Data mining.

Knowledge based decision support systems, Integrating social media and mobile technologies in Information system, Security, IS Vulnerability, Disaster Management, Computer Crimes, Securing the Web.

Introduction to Deep learning, Big data, Pervasive Computing, Cloud computing, Advancements in AI, IoT, Block chain, Crypto currency, Quantum computing

  1. 1) Learn the basics of data and information system.
  2. 2) Understand the system development methodologies.
  3. 3) Understand database management system and its types.
  4. 4) Learn the various technologies in information system and its security.
  5. 5) Gains knowledge on effective applications of information systems in business

  1. 1) Robert Schultheis and Mary Sumner, Management Information Systems – The Manager’ s View, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
  2. 2) Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P Laudon, Management Information Systems – Managing the Digital Firm, 15 th edition, 2018.
  3. 3) Panneerselvam. R, Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning, 2018.


  • To enable the learners in understanding of the basic concepts of Indian Ethos and familiarise about ethical behaviour and value systems at work.
  • The following is the list of topics suggested for preparation and presentation by students twice during the semester.
  • This will be evaluated by the faculty member(s) handling the course and the final marks are consolidated at the end of the semester. No end semester examination is required for this course.
    1. 1) Indian Ethos and Personality Development
    2. 2) Work ethos and ethics for Professional Managers
    3. 3) Indian Values, Value Systems and Wisdom for modern managers
    4. 4) Ethos in leadership development
    5. 5) Indian system of learning – Gurukul system of learning, Law of humility, Law of growth, Law of responsibility

  1. 1) The learners are able to apply the basic concepts of Indian ethos and value systems at work.
  2. 2) The learners can handle issues of business ethics and offer solutions in ethical perspectives
  3. 3) The learners are professionally efficient and skilful in value systems and culture
  4. 4) The learners are capable in ethically manage business towards well being of the society.
  5. 5) The learners are capable in ethically manage business towards well being of the society.


  • To help the students to acquire some of the necessary skills to handle day-to-day managerial responsibilities, such as - making speeches, controlling one-to-one communication, enriching group activities and processes, giving effective presentations, writing letters, memos, minutes, reports and advertising, and maintaining one’s poise in private and in public,

Introduction to Business Communication: Principles of effective communication, Target group profile, Barriers of Communication, Reading Skills, Listening, Feedback. - Principles of Nonverbal Communication: Professional dressing and body language. Role Playing, Debates and Quiz. Types of managerial speeches - Presentations and Extempore - speech of introduction, speech of thanks, occasional speech, theme speech. - Group communication: Meetings, group discussions. - Other Aspects of Communication: Cross Cultural Dimensions of Business Communication Technology and Communication, Ethical & Legal Issues in Business Communication.

Business letters, Routine letters, Bad news and persuasion letters, sales letters, collection letters, Maintaining a Diary, Resume/CV , job application letters, proposals. Internal communication through - notices, circulars, memos, agenda and minutes, reports. Case Studies. Exercises on Corporate Writing, Executive Summary of Documents, Creative Writing, Poster Making, Framing Advertisements, Slogans, Captions, Preparing Press Release and Press Notes

Principles of Effective Presentations, Principles governing the use of audiovisual media.

Mastering the art of giving interviews in - selection or placement interviews, discipline interviews, appraisal interviews, exit interviews, web /video conferencing, tele-meeting.

Objectives of report, types of report, Report Planning, Types of Reports, Developing an outline, Nature of Headings, Ordering of Points, Logical Sequencing, Graphs, Charts, Executive Summary, List of Illustration, Report Writing.
Note: The emphasis of the entire subject should be on practical aspects.
Practical: Module 1- This module introduces both written and spoken communication skills to students to build their confidence in delivering clear and logical messages to their audience. They will develop written communication skills through crafting business messages such as business letters, emails, and meeting minutes. In addition, students will work through presentations and simulated meetings to refine their spoken communication skills, discussion techniques and people skills.
Practical - Module 2- This module builds on the foundation of Business Communication 1 and creates opportunities for students to strengthen their oral and written communication. Students will be required to enhance their presentation skills through impromptu speeches. Students will also learn how to prepare a formal business report. Job hunting and employment skills will be introduced to prepare students for a positive start to their careers. Students will be taught to write application letters and resumes. Additionally, students will learn job interview techniques through role-plays and simulations
Practical - Module 3- This practical module aims to help students be persuasive in the business world. Students will learn listening and data gathering skills to better understand their target audience’s needs and requirements and persuasive skills to convince the audience to accept a new policy/suggestion/product through role-playing a boardroom presentation. Students will also be taught business networking skills including conversation techniques, dining etiquette and personal branding through role-plays and simulations.

  1. 1) Develop good managerial communication skills
  2. 2) Ability to excel in different forms of written communication required in a business context
  3. 3) Develop good presentation skills
  4. 4) In-depth understanding of interview skills
  5. 5) Ability to prepare Business reports

  1. 1) Rajendra Pal, J.S. Korlahalli ,Essentials of Business Communication by, Sultan Chand & Sons, 13th Edition
  2. 2) Meenakshi Raman, Prakash Singh ,Business Communication by, Oxford, 2 nd edition, 2012
  3. 3) Raymond V. Lesikar, Flatley, Basic Business Communication Skills for Empowering the Internet Generation by, M.E., TMGH , New Delhi , 10 th edition, 2004
  4. 4) Ludlow R , Panton ,The Essence of Effective Communications , Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2, 1995
  5. 5) C. S. Rayadu , Communication by, HPH, 2015
  6. 6) R. C. Sharma , Krishna Mohan ,Business Correspondence & Report Writing , Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2017
  7. 7) Malcolm Goodale , Developing Communication Skills, 2nd Edition Professional Presentations, Cambridge University Press
  8. 8) Supplementary Reading Material Business Communication - Harvard Business Essentials Series, HBS Press
  9. 9) Adair, J , Effective Communication. , Pan Macmillan Excellence in Business Communication by Thill, J. V. &Bovee, G. L, McGraw Hill, New York. Business Communications: From Process to Product by Bowman, J.P. &Branchaw, P.P., Dryden Press, Chicago.


  • To apply quantitative techniques in modeling and solving business related problems.

Relevance of quantitative techniques in management decision making. Linear Programmingformulation, solution by graphical and simplex methods (Primal - Penalty, Two Phase), Special cases. Sensitivity Analysis.

Transportation Models (Minimising and Maximising Problems) – Balanced and unbalanced Problems – Initial Basic feasible solution by N-W Corner Rule, Least cost and Vogel’s approximation methods. Check for optimality. Solution by MODI / Stepping Stone method. Case of Degeneracy. Transhipment Models.
Assignment Models (Minimising and Maximising Problems) – Balanced and Unbalanced Problems. Solution by Hungarian and Branch and Bound Algorithms. Travelling Salesman problem. Crew Assignment Models.

Decision making under risk – Decision trees – Decision making under uncertainty.
Game Theory-Two-person Zero sum games-Saddle point, Dominance Rule, Convex Linear Combination (Averages), methods of matrices, graphical and LP solutions.

Inventory Models – EOQ and EBQ Models (With and without shortages), Quantity Discount Models.
Replacement Models-Individual replacement Models (With and without time value of money) – Group Replacement Models.

Queuing Theory - single and multi-channel models – infinite number of customers and infinite calling source.
Monte Carlo simulation – use of random numbers, application of simulation techniques

    To understand the applications of
  1. 1) Linear programming in product mix decisions
  2. 2) Transportation and assignment in logistics and job allocation scenarios
  3. 3) Game theory and heuristics of decision making in real time decisions
  4. 4) Inventory management and replacement models in manufacturing context
  5. 5) Queuing and simulation in real time scenario optimisation

  1. 1) N. D Vohra, Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2010.
  2. 2) G. Srinivasan, Operations Research – Principles and Applications, 2nd edition, PHI, 2011.
  3. 3) Paneerselvam R., Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India, Fourth Print, 2008.
  4. 4) Hamdy A Taha, Introduction to Operations Research, Prentice Hall India, Tenth Edition, Third Indian Reprint 2019.
  5. 5) Bernard W.Taylor III, Introduction to Management Science, 9th Edition, Pearson Ed
  6. 6) Frederick & Mark Hillier, Introduction to Management Science – A Modeling and case studies approach with spreadsheets, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2010.
  7. 7) Nagraj B, Barry R and Ralph M. S Jr., Managerial Decision Modelling with Spreadsheets, Second Edition, 2007, Pearson Education


Facilitate student
  • Understand the operational nuances of a Finance Manager.
  • Comprehend the technique of making decisions related to finance functions.

Introduction to finance- Financial Management – Nature, scope and functions of Finance, organization of financial functions, objectives of Financial management, Major financial decisions – Time value of money – features and valuation of shares and bonds – Concept of risk and return – single asset and of a portfolio

Capital Budgeting: Principles and techniques - Nature of capital budgeting- Identifying relevant cash flows - Evaluation Techniques: Payback, Accounting rate of return, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index - Comparison of DCF techniques - Concept and measurement of cost of capital - Specific cost and overall cost of capital.

Leverages - Operating and Financial leverage – measurement of leverages – degree of Operating & Financial leverage – Combined leverage, EBIT – EPS Analysis- Indifference point. Capital structure – Theories – Net Income Approach, Net Operating Income Approach, MM Approach – Determinants of Capital structure.
Dividend decision- Issues in dividend decisions, Importance, Relevance & Irrelevance theoriesWalter‟s – Model, Gordon‟s model and MM model. – Factors determining dividend policy – Types of dividend policies – forms of dividend.

Principles of working capital: Concepts, Needs, Determinants, issues and estimation of working capital - Receivables Management - Inventory management – Cash management - Working capital finance : Commercial paper, Company deposit, Trade credit, Bank finance.

Indian capital market- New issues market- Secondary market - Long term finance: Shares, debentures and term loans, lease, hire purchase, venture capital financing, Private Equity.

  1. 1) Identify the concepts of financial decision of an organisation
  2. 2) Recognize the time value of money
  3. 3) Learn the capital budgeting and cost of capital techniques
  4. 4) Understand how to decide the decision of capital structure and distribution of dividend
  5. 5) Assess the short-term and long-term sources of finance

  1. 1) I M. Pandey Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 11th edition, 2018
  2. 2) M.Y. Khan and P.K.Jain Financial management, Text, Problems and cases Tata McGraw Hill, 8th edition, 2017.
  3. 3) AswathDamodaran, Corporate Finance Theory and practice, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
  4. 4) James C. Vanhorne –Fundamentals of Financial Management– PHI Learning,13th Edition, 2014.
  5. 5) Brigham, Ehrhardt, Financial Management Theory and Practice, 14th edition, Cengage Learning 2015.
  6. 6) Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017. .
  7. 7) Srivatsava, Mishra, Financial Management, Oxford University Press, 2012.


  • To provide knowledge about management issues related to staffing, training, performance, compensation, human factors consideration and compliance with human resource requirements.

Evolution of human resource management – The importance of the human capital – Role of human resource manager –Challenges for human resource managers - trends in Human resource policies – Computer applications in human resource management – Human resource accounting and audit.

Importance of Human Resource Planning – Forecasting human resource requirement –matching supply and demand - Internal and External sources- Organizational Attraction-. Recruitment, Selection, Induction and Socialization- Theories, Methods and Process

Types of training methods –purpose- benefits- resistance. Executive development programme – Common practices - Benefits – Self development – Knowledge management.

Compensation plan – Reward – Motivation – Application of theories of motivation – Career management – Mentoring - Development of mentor – Protégé relationships- Job Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Theories, Models.

Method of performance evaluation – Feedback – Industry practices. Promotion, Demotion, Transfer and Separation – Implication of job change. The control process – Importance – Methods – Requirement of effective control systems grievances – Causes – Implications – Redressal methods.

  1. 1) Students would have gained knowledge on the various aspects of HRM
  2. 2) Students will gain knowledge needed for success as a human resources professional
  3. 3) Students will develop the skills needed for a successful HR manager
  4. 4) Students would be prepared to implement the concepts learned in the workplace
  5. 5) Students would be aware of the emerging concepts in the field of HRM

  1. 1) Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, Human Resource Management, 14th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, 2015.
  2. 2) David A. Decenzo, Stephen.P.Robbins, and Susan L. Verhulst, Human Resource Management, Wiley, International Student Edition, 11th Edition, 2014.
  3. 3) Luis R.Gomez-Mejia, David B.Balkin, Robert L Cardy. Managing Human Resource. PHI Learning. 2012
  4. 4) Bernadin , Human Resource Management ,Tata Mcgraw Hill ,8th edition 2012.
  5. 5) Wayne Cascio, Managing Human Resource, McGraw Hill, 2015.
  6. 6) Ivancevich, Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill 2012.
  7. 7) Uday Kumar Haldar, Juthika Sarkar. Human Resource management. Oxford. 2012.


  • To provide a broad introduction to the field of operations management and explain the concepts, strategies, tools and techniques for managing the transformation process that can lead to competitive advantage

Operations Management – Nature, Importance, historical development, transformation processes, differences between services and goods, a system perspective, functions, challenges, current priorities, recent trends. Operations Strategy – Strategic fit , framework. Productivity; World-class manufacturing practices

Capacity Planning – Long range, Types, Developing capacity alternatives, tools for capacity planning. Facility Location – Theories, Steps in Selection, Location Models. Sourcing and procurement - Strategic sourcing, make or buy decision, procurement process, managing vendors.

Product Design - Criteria, Approaches. Product development process - stage-gate approach - tools for efficient development. Process - design, strategy, types, analysis. Facility Layout – Principles, Types, Planning tools and techniques.

Demand Forecasting – Need, Types, Objectives and Steps - Overview of Qualitative and Quantitative methods. Operations planning - Resource planning - Inventory Planning and Control. Operations Scheduling - Theory of constraints - bottlenecks, capacity constrained resources, synchronous manufacturing

Definitions of quality, The Quality revolution, quality gurus; TQM philosophies; Quality management tools, certification and awards. Lean Management - philosophy, elements of JIT manufacturing, continuous improvement. Six sigma.

  1. 1) Understanding of the evolution of operations management practices and world class manufacturing processes
  2. 2) Knowledge about capacity planning, strategic sourcing and procurement in organizations
  3. 3) Enhances the understanding of product development and design process
  4. 4) Ability to forecast demand and overcome bottlenecks
  5. 5) Provides insight to Quality management tools and practices

  1. 1) Richard B. Chase, Ravi Shankar, F. Robert Jacobs, Operations and Supply Chain Management, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, 14th Edition, 2014.
  2. 2) Mahadevan B, Operations management: Theory and practice. Pearson Education India; 2015.
  3. 3) William J Stevenson, Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 9th Edition, 2009.
  4. 4) Russel and Taylor, Operations Management, Wiley, 5th Edition, 2006.
  5. 5) Norman Gaither and Gregory Frazier, Operations Management, South Western Cengage Learning,9 th edition, 2015.
  6. 6) Cecil C. Bozarth, Robert B. Handfield, Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, Pearson, 4th Edition, 2016.
  7. 7) Panneerselvam. R, Production and Operations Management, 3rd Edition,. PHI Learning, 2012.


  • To make the students of tourism understand the principles of scientific methodology in business enquiry, develop analytical skills of business research and to prepare scientific business reports.

Business Research – Definition and Significance – the research process – Types of Research – Exploratory and causal Research – Theoretical and empirical Research – Cross –Sectional and time – series Research – Research questions / Problems – Research objectives – Research hypotheses – characteristics – Research in an evolutionary perspective – the role of theory in research.

Research design – Definition – types of research design – exploratory and causal research design – Descriptive and experimental design – different types of experimental design – Validity of findings – internal and external validity – Variables in Research – Measurement and scaling – Different scales – Construction of instrument – Validity and Reliability of instrument.

Types of data – Primary Vs Secondary data – Methods of primary data collection – Survey Vs Observation – Experiments – Construction of questionnaire and instrument – Types of Validity – Sampling plan – Sample size – determinants optimal sample size – sampling techniques – Sampling methods.

Data Preparation – editing – Coding –Data entry – Validity of data – Qualitative Vs Quantitative data analyses – Applications of Bivariate and Multivariate statistical techniques, Factor analysis, Discriminant analysis, Cluster analysis, Multiple regression and Correlation, Multidimensional scaling – Conjoint Analysis – Application of statistical software for data analysis.

Research report –Types – Contents of report – need for executive summary – chapterization – contents of chapter – report writing – the role of audience – readability – comprehension – tone – final proof – report format – title of the report – ethics in research – Ethics in research – Subjectivity and Objectivity in research.

  1. 1) Students will understand and appreciate scientific inquiry
  2. 2) Students would know to write research proposals
  3. 3) The students would be able to undertake a systematic outlook towards business situations for the purpose of objective decision making, and the method of conducting scientific inquiry to solve organizational problems
  4. 4) Students would be able to analyze data and find solutions to the problem.
  5. 5) Students could prepare research reports

  1. 1) Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler and J K Sharma, Business Research methods, 11th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
  2. 2) Alan Bryman and Emma Bell, Business Research methods, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2011.
  3. 3) Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie, Research methods for Business, 5th Edition, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2012.
  4. 4) William G Zikmund, Barry J Babin, Jon C.Carr, AtanuAdhikari,Mitch Griffin, Business Research methods, A South Asian Perspective, 8th Edition, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2012.
  5. 5) Panneerselvam. R, Research Methodology, 2nd Edition, PHI Learning, 2014.


Learn to
  • Use business analytics for decision making
  • To apply the appropriate analytics and generate solutions
  • Model and analyse the business situation using analytics.

Business Analytics - Terminologies, Process, Importance, Relationship with Organisational Decision Making, BA for Competitive Advantage.

Managing BA Personnel, Data and Technology. Organisational Structures aligning BA. Managing Information policy, data quality and change in BA.

Introduction to Descriptive analytics - Visualising and Exploring Data - Descriptive Statistics - Sampling and Estimation - Probability Distribution for Descriptive Analytics - Analysis of Descriptive analytics

Introduction to Predictive analytics - Logic and Data Driven Models - Predictive Analysis Modeling and procedure - Data Mining for Predictive analytics. Analysis of Predictive analytics

Introduction to Prescriptive analytics - Prescriptive Modeling - Non Linear Optimisation - Demonstrating Business Performance Improvement.

  1. 1) Ability to understand the role of Business Analytics in decision making
  2. 2) Ability to identify the appropriate tool for the analytics scenario
  3. 3) Ability to apply the descriptive analytics tools and generate solutions
  4. 4) Ability to apply the descriptive analytics tools and generate solutions
  5. 5) Knowledge of Prescriptive Analytics and demonstrating business process improvement

  1. 1) Marc J. Schniederjans, Dara G. Schniederjans and Christopher M. Starkey, " Business Analytics Principles, Concepts, and Applications - What, Why, and How" , Pearson Ed, 2014
  2. 2) Christian Albright S and Wayne L. Winston, "Business Analytics - Data Analysis and Decision Making" , Fifth edition, Cengage Learning, 2015.
  3. 3) James R. Evans, "Business Analytics - Methods, Models and Decisions", Pearson Ed, 2012.


  • To understand the changing business environment and the fundamental premise underlying market driven strategies.
  • To identify the indicators of management thoughts and practices.

Defining Marketing − Core concepts in Marketing – Evolution of Marketing − Marketing Planning Process − Scanning Business environment: Internal and External − Value chain − Core Competencies – PESTEL − SWOT Analysis − Marketing interface with other functional areas – Production, Finance, Human Relations Management, Information System − Marketing in global environment – International Marketing − Rural Marketing − Prospects and Challenges.

Marketing strategy formulations – Key Drivers of Marketing Strategies - Strategies for Industrial Marketing – Consumer Marketing − Services marketing – Competition Analysis − Analysis of consumer and industrial markets − Influence of Economic and Behavioral Factors − Strategic Marketing Mix components.

Product planning and development – Product life cycle – New product Development and Management – Defining Market Segmentation – Targeting and Positioning − Brand Positioning and Differentiation – Channel Management – Managing Integrated Marketing Channels − Managing Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics − Advertising and Sales Promotions – Pricing Objectives, Policies and Methods

Understanding Industrial and Consumer Buyer Behavior − Influencing factors – Buyer Behaviour Models – Online buyer behaviour − Building and measuring customer satisfaction – Customer relationships management – Customer acquisition, Retaining, Defection − Creating Long Term Loyalty Relationships.

Marketing Information System – Marketing Research Process – Concepts and applications: Product – Advertising – Promotion – Consumer Behaviour – Retail research – Customer driven organizations - Cause related marketing − Ethics in marketing – Online marketing trends - social media and digital marketing

  1. 1) Applied knowledge of contemporary marketing theories to the demands of business and management practice.
  2. 2) Enhanced knowledge of marketing strategies for consumer and industrial marketing
  3. 3) Deep understanding of choice of marketing mix elements and managing integrated marketing channels
  4. 4) Ability to analyze the nature of consumer buying behaviour
  5. 5) Understanding of the marketing research and new trends in the arena of marketing

  1. 1) Philip T. Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall India, 15th Edition, 2017.
  2. 2) KS Chandrasekar, “Marketing management-Text and Cases”, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2012
  3. 3) Lamb, Hair, Sharma, Mc Daniel– Marketing – An Innovative approach to learning and teachingA south Asian perspective, Cengage Learning, 2012.
  4. 4) Paul Baines, Chris Fill, Kelly Page, Marketing, Asian edition, Oxford University Press,5 th edition, 2019.
  5. 5) Ramasamy, V.S, Namakumari, S, Marketing Management: Global Perspective Indian Context, Macmillan Education, New Delhi, 6 th edition, 2018.
  6. 6) A. NAG, Marketing successfully- A Professional Perspective, Macmillan 2008.
  7. 7) Micheal R.Czinkota, Masaaki Kotabe, Marketing Management, Vikas Thomson Learning, 2nd edition 2006.
  8. 8) Philip Kotler , Gay Armstrong, Prafulla Agnihotri, Principles of marketing, 7 th edition, 2018.


  • To enable the learners to have exposure on business ethics and ethical business perspectives.
  • The following is the list of topics suggested for preparation and presentation bystudents twice during the semester.
  • This will be evaluated by the faculty member(s) handling the course and the final marks are consolidated at the end of the semester. No end semester examination is required for this course
    1. 1) Individual Culture and Ethics
    2. 2) Ethical codes of conduct and value Systems
    3. 3) Loyalty and Ethical Behaviour, Ethical decision making
    4. 4) Ethical business issues and solutions
    5. 5) Corporate Social Responsibilities of Business

  1. 1) The learners can handle issues of business ethics and offer solutions ethical perspectives
  2. 2) The learners are able to apply the basic concepts of Indian ethos and value systems at work.
  3. 3) The learners can handle issues of business ethics and offer solutions in ethical perspectives
  4. 4) The learners are professionally efficient and skilful in value systems and culture
  5. 5) The learners are capable in ethically manage business towards well being of the society
  6. 6) The learners can be socially effective in undertaking business responsibilities.


  • to have hands-on experience on data analysis for business modeling.
  • S.No. Exp.No. Details of experiments Duration
    1 1 Descriptive Statistics 4
    2 2 Parametric Tests 4
    3 3 Non-parametric Tests 4
    4 4 Correlation & Regression 4
    5 5 Forecasting 4
    6 - Extended experiment – 1 4
    7 6 Portfolio Selection 4
    8 7 Risk Analysis & Sensitivity Analysis 4
    9 8 Revenue Management 4
    10 - Extended experiment – 2 4
    11 9 Transportation & Assignment 4
    12 10 Networking Models 4
    13 11 Queuing Theory 4
    14 12 Inventory Models 4
    15 - Extended experiment – 3 4
  • Spreadsheet Software and Data Analysis Tools

  1. 1) Deep knowledge about the nature of data and conducting hypothesis testing using various data analysis techniques
  2. 2) Facilitates to identify the relationship between variables using data analytical tools
  3. 3) Provides understanding about forecasting in real time business world using analytical tools
  4. 4) Ability to conduct Risk and sensitivity analysis and portfolio selection based on business data
  5. 5) Enhances knowledge about networking, inventory models and queuing theory using data analytical tools

  1. 1) David R. Anderson, et al, "An Introduction to Management Sciences: Quantitative approaches to Decision Making", (13th edition) South-Western College Pub, 2011.
  2. 2) William J. Stevenson, CeyhunOzgur, "Introduction to Management Science with Spreadsheet", Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
  3. 3) Hansa Lysander Manohar, "Data Analysis and Business Modelling using Microsoft Excel" PHI, 2017.
  4. 4) David M. Levine et al, “Statistics for Managers using MS Excel" (6th Edition) Pearson,2010.
  5. 5) Minnick, C. WebKit for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons, (2012).


  • To learn the major initiatives taken by a company's top management on behalf of corporate, involving resources and performance in external environments. It entails specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, and to equip with skills required to manage business and non-business organizations at senior levels. The course adopts a functional approach to management developing policies and plan to understand the analysis and implementation of strategic management in strategic business units.

Conceptual framework for strategic management, the Concept of Strategy and the Strategy Formation Process – Stakeholders in business – Vision, Mission and Purpose – Business definition, Objectives and Goals - Corporate Governance and Social responsibility-case study.

External Environment - Porter‘s Five Forces Model-Strategic Groups Competitive Changes during Industry Evolution-Globalisation and Industry Structure - National Context and Competitive advantage Resources- Capabilities and competencies–core competencies-Low cost and differentiation Generic Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage- Distinctive Competencies- Resources and Capabilities durability of competitive Advantage- Avoiding failures and sustaining competitive advantage-Case study.

The generic strategic alternatives – Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment and Combination strategies - Business level strategy- Strategy in the Global Environment-Corporate Strategy- Vertical IntegrationDiversification and Strategic Alliances- Building and Restructuring the corporation- Strategic analysis and choice – Managing Growth - Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP) - Organizational Capability Profile - Strategic Advantage Profile - Corporate Portfolio Analysis - SWOT Analysis - GAP Analysis - Mc Kinsey's 7s Framework - GE 9 Cell Model – Distinctive competitiveness - Selection of matrix - Balance Score Card-case study.

The implementation process, Resource allocation, Designing organisational structure-Designing Strategic Control Systems- Matching structure and control to strategy-Implementing Strategic changePolitics-Power and Conflict-Techniques of strategic evaluation & control-case study.

Managing Technology and Innovation - Strategic issues for Non Profit organisations. New Business Models and strategies for Internet Economy-case study Challenges in Strategic Management: Introduction, Strategic Management as an Organisational Force, Dealing with Strategic Management in Various Situations, Strategic Management Implications and Challenges
Recent Trends in Strategic Management: Introduction, Strategic Thinking, Organisational Culture and its Significance, Organisational Development and Change, Change Management, Strategic management in a new globalised economy

  1. 1) Ability to understand the Strategic management process and social responsibility of business organizations
  2. 2) In-depth understanding about the need for developing competitive advantage for organizations
  3. 3) Provides insights into various corporate and business level strategies
  4. 4) Facilitates to identify the various control systems required for organizational strategy implementation process
  5. 5) Enhances the cognitive knowledge about various strategic issues and development of new business models

  1. 1) Hill. Strategic Management: An Integrated approach, 2009 Edition Wiley (2012).
  2. 2) John A.Parnell. Strategic Management, Theory and practice Biztantra (2012).
  3. 3) Azhar Kazmi, Strategic Management and Business Policy, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
  4. 4) AdriauH Aberberg and Alison Rieple, Strategic Management Theory & Application, Oxford University Press, 2008.
  5. 5) Lawerence G. Hrebiniak, Making strategy work, Pearson, 2 nd edition, 2013.
  6. 6) Gupta, Gollakota and Srinivasan, Business Policy and Strategic Management – Concepts and Application, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.
  7. 7) Dr.Dharma Bir Singh, Strategic Management & Business Policy, KoGent Learning Solutions Inc., Wiley, 2012.
  8. 8) John Pearce, Richard Robinson and Amitha Mittal, Strategic Management, McGraw Hill, 12th Edition, 2012
  9. 9) Lafley AG and Roger L Martin, Playing to Win : Strategy really works, Harvard Business Review Press


  • To understand the multinational dimensions in management of a MNC company and the business operations in more than one country.

Definition and drivers of International Business- Changing Environment of International BusinessCountry attractiveness- Trends in Globalization- Effect and Benefit of Globalization-International Institution: UNCTAD Basic Principles and Major Achievements, Role of IMF, Features of IBRD, Role and Advantage of WTO.

Theories of International Trade: Mercantilism, Absolute Advantage Theory, Comparative Cost Theory, Hecksher-Ohlin Theory-Theories of Foreign Direct Investment : Product Life Cycle, Eclectic, Market Power, Internationalisation-Instruments of Trade Policy : Voluntary Export Restraints, Administrative Policy, Anti-dumping Policy, Balance of Payment.

Strategic compulsions-– Strategic options – Global portfolio management- Global entry strategy, different forms of international business, advantages - Organizational issues of international business – Organizational structures – Controlling of international business, approaches to control – Performance of global business, performance evaluation system.

Global production: Location, scale of operations- cost of production- Standardization Vs DifferentiationMake or Buy decisions- global supply chain issues- Quality considerations. Globalization of markets: Marketing strategy- Challenges in product development- pricing- production and channel management. Foreign Exchange Determination Systems: Basic Concepts-types of Exchange Rate Regimes- Factors Affecting Exchange Rates

Selection of expatriate managers- Managing across cultures -Training and developmentCompensation- Disadvantages of international business – Conflict in international business- Sources and types of conflict – Conflict resolutions – Negotiation –Ethical issues in international business – Ethical decision-making.

  1. 1) In Depth knowledge of driving factors of international Business
  2. 2) Understanding of theories of trade and investment practiced in the global world
  3. 3) Deep Insights in to various market entry strategies followed by Global Organizations
  4. 4) Ability to identify the various global production and supply chain issues and have an understanding of foreign exchange determination system
  5. 5) Enhance the cognitive knowledge of managing business across the cultures

  1. 1) Charles W.I. Hill and Arun Kumar Jain, International Business, 6th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
  2. 2) Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen and Michael H. Moffet, International Business, 7 th Edition, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2010.
  3. 3) K. Aswathappa, International Business, 5th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
  4. 4) John D. Daniels and Lee H. Radebaugh, International Business, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi,12 th edition.
  5. 5) Vyuptakesh Sharan, International Business, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education in South Asia, New Delhi, 2011.
  6. 6) Rakesh Mohan Joshi, International Business, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2009.


  • To understand the nuances involved in Creativity & Innovation.
  • To get hands on experience in applying creativity in problem solving.

Need for Creative and innovative thinking for quality – Essential theory about directed creativity, Components of Creativity, Methodologies and approaches, individual and group creativity, Organizational role in creativity, types of innovation, barriers to innovation, innovation process, establishing criterion for assessment of creativity & innovation.

Definitions and theory of mechanisms of mind heuristics and models: attitudes, Approaches and Actions that support creative thinking - Advanced study of visual elements and principles- line, plane, shape, form, pattern, texture gradation, colour symmetry. Spatial relationships and compositions in 2- and 3-dimensional space - procedure for genuine graphical computer animation – Animation aerodynamics – virtual environments in scientific Visualization – Unifying principle of data management for scientific visualization – Visualization benchmarking

Nature of Creativity: Person, Process, Product and Environment, Methods and tools for Directed Creativity – Basic Principles – Tools that prepare the mind for creative thought – stimulation – Development and Actions: - Processes in creativity ICEDIP – Inspiration, Clarification, Distillation, Perspiration, Evaluation and Incubation – Creativity and Motivation The Bridge between man creativity and the rewards of innovativeness – Applying Directed Creativity.

Generating and acquiring new ideas, product design, service design – case studies and hands-on exercises, stimulation tools and approaches, six thinking hats, lateral thinking – Individual activity, group activity, contextual influences. Assessing Your Personal Creativity and Ability to Innovate, Enhancing Your Creative and Innovative Abilities

Innovation- radical vs evolutionary, – Introduction to TRIZ methodology of Inventive Problem Solving – the essential factors – Innovator’s solution – creating and sustaining successful growth – Disruptive Innovation model – Segmentive Models – New market disruption -—Managing the Strategy Development Process – The Role of Senior Executive in Leading New Growth – Passing the Baton, Entrepreneurial Tools for Creativity and Innovation

  1. 1) Provides insights about approaches to creativity and innovation
  2. 2) Understanding of heuristic models and its applications
  3. 3) Enhances the knowledge of nature of creativity
  4. 4) Ability to apply creativity in problem solving
  5. 5) Knowledge about radical and disruptive models of innovation
  6. Note: Students will undergo the entire programme similar to a Seminar. It is an activity-based course. Students will undergo the programme with both theoretical and practical content. Each student will be required to come out with innovative products or services. This will be evaluated by the faculty member(s) handling the course and the consolidated marks can be taken as the final mark. No end semester examination is required for this course

  1. 1) Rousing Creativity: Think New Now Floyd Hurt, ISBN 1560525479, Crisp Publications Inc.1999
  2. 2) Geoffrey Petty,” How to be better at Creativity”, The Industrial Society 2012
  3. 3) . Clayton M. Christensen Michael E. Raynor,” The Innovator’s Solution”, Harvard Business School Press Boston, USA, 2007
  4. 4) Semyon D. Savransky,” Engineering of Creativity – TRIZ”, CRC Press New York USA,” 1 st edition 2000
  5. 5) CSG Krishnamacharyalu, Lalitha R Innovation management , Himalaya Publishing House 2013


  • To equip and develop the learners entrepreneurial skills and qualities essential to undertake business.
  • To impart the learners entrepreneurial competencies needed for managing business efficiently and effectively.

Entrepreneurship concept – Entrepreneurship as a Career – Entrepreneurial Personality - Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs – Knowledge and Skills of an Entrepreneur

Business Environment - Role of Family and Society - Entrepreneurship Development Training and Other Support Organisational Services - Central and State Government Industrial Policies and Regulations.

Sources of Product for Business - Prefeasibility Study - Criteria for Selection of Product - Ownership - Capital Budgeting- Project Profile Preparation - Matching Entrepreneur with the Project - Feasibility Report Preparation and Evaluation Criteria.

Finance and Human Resource Mobilisation - Operations Planning - Market and Channel Selection - Growth Strategies - Product Launching – Incubation, Venture capital, Start-ups.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Business - Business Sickness - Prevention and Rehabilitation of Business Units - Effective Management of small Business - Case Studies.

    After the completion of the course, the students will be able to:
  1. 1) The learners will gain entrepreneurial competence to run the business efficiently.
  2. 2) The learners are able to undertake businesses in the entrepreneurial environment
  3. 3) The learners are capable of preparing business plans and undertake feasible projects.
  4. 4) The learners are efficient in launching and develop their business ventures successfully
  5. 5) The learners shall monitor the business effectively towards growth and development..

  1. 1) S.S.Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S.Chand and Company Limited, New Delhi, 2016.
  2. 2) R.D.Hisrich, Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2018.
  3. 3) Rajeev Roy ,Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2011.
  4. 4) Donald F Kuratko,T.V Rao. Entrepreneurship: A South Asian perspective. Cengage Learning, 2012.
  5. 5) Dr. Vasant Desai, “Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship”, HPH,2006.
  6. 6) Arya Kumar. Entrepreneurship, Pearson,2012.
  7. 7) Prasanna Chandra, Projects – Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Reviews, Tata McGraw-Hill, 8 th edition ,2017.


  • This course is designed to provide an introduction to the principles of event management. The course aims to impart knowledge on the various events and how these events can be organized successfully.

History & Evolution – Types of events – MICE – Types of Meeting, Trade Shows, Conventions, Exhibitions- Structure of event industry – Event Management as a profession – Perspectives on event : Government, Corporate & Community – Code of Ethics.

Conceptualizing the event – Host, sponsor, Media, Guest, Participants , Spectators – Crew – Design of concept – Theme and content development – Visualization – Event objectives – Initial planning – Budgeting – Event design and budget checklist – Preparation of functional sheets – Timing – Contracts and Agreements – Insurance, Regulation, Licence and Permits – Negotiation.

Role of Strategic Marketing Planning - Pricing – Marketing Communication Methods & budget – Elements of marketing communication – Managing Marketing Communication – Role of Internet – Sponsorship – Event sponsorship – Strategy – Managing Sponsorships – Measuring & Evaluating sponsorship.

Site Selection – Types of location – Venue Requirements – Room, Stage, Audi-Visual, Lighting, Performers, Decors, Caterer, Photography & Videography – Protocols – Guest list – Guest demographics – Children at event – Invitation – Media – Freelance Event Operation – Road show - Food & Beverage – Entertainment – Event Logistics – Supply of facilities – Onsite logistics – Control of event logistics – Evaluation & Logistics.

Risk assessment – Safety officer, Medical Manager – Venue, Structural safety – Food safety – Occupational safety – Fire Prevention – Sanitary facilities – Vehicle traffic – Waste Management. Event Impact – Event Evaluation Process – Service Quality - Customer Satisfaction.

  1. 1) Learning about structure and code of ethics of events
  2. 2) Exploring and getting to know about event planning and regulations
  3. 3) Understand about event marketing, planning and strategies
  4. 4) Enhance professional skills in event management
  5. 5) Analyse the safety measure of event management

  1. 1) Lynn Van Der Wagen, Event Management for Tourism, Cultural Business & Sporting Events, 4 th Edition, Pearson Publications, 2014.
  2. 2) Lynn Van Der Wagen, & Brenda R. Carlos ,Sucessful Event Management.
  3. 3) Judy Allen, Event Planning 2nd Edition, Wiley & Sons, Canada, 2014.
  4. 4) G.A.J. Bowdin, Events Management ,Elseiver Butterworth
  5. 5) John Beech, Sebastian Kaiser & Robert Kaspar, The Business of Events Management, Pearson Publication, 2014.
  6. 6) Judy, Event Planning Ethics and Etiquette: A Principled Approach to the Business of Special Event Management, 2014.
  7. 7) Shannon Kilkenny, The complete guide to successful event planning.
  8. 8) Julia Rutherford Silvers, Professional Event Coordination, The Wiley Event Management Series.
  9. 9) Allison ,The Event Marketing Handbook: Beyond Logistics & Planning.


Enables student to
  • Understand the nuances of stock market operations.
  • Understand the techniques involved in deciding upon purchase or sale of securities.

Financial and economic meaning of Investment – Characteristics and objectives of Investment – Investment process -Types of Investment – Investment alternatives – Choice and Evaluation – Risk and return concepts - Valuation of bonds and stock.

Economic Analysis – Economic forecasting and stock Investment Decisions – Forecasting techniques. Industry Analysis : Industry classification, Industry life cycle – Company Analysis Measuring Earnings – Forecasting Earnings – Applied Valuation Techniques – Graham and Dodds investor ratios.

Fundamental Analysis Vs Technical Analysis -- Dow theory – Charting methods - Chart Patterns Trend – Trend reversals – Market Indicators -Moving Average – Exponential moving Average Oscillators -RSI -ROC - MACD.
Efficient Market theory - Forms of market efficiency -weak, semi-strong, strong form - Empirical tests of market efficiency -its application.

Portfolio analysis - Reduction of portfolio risk through diversification – Portfolio risk - Portfolio Selection - Feasible set of portfolios - Efficient set - Markowitz model - Single index model - Construction of optimum portfolio - Multi-index model.

Capital Asset Pricing model - Lending and borrowing - CML - SML - Pricing with CAPM - Arbitrage pricing theory– Portfolio Evaluation - Sharpe's index Treynor's index, Jensen's index – Mutual Funds – Portfolio Revision.

  1. 1) Understand the concept of investment and identify the investment alternatives to investors
  2. 2) Learn the nuances of fundamental analyses and technical analyses
  3. 3) Analyse and evaluate the value of securities
  4. 4) Explain how to construct an efficient portfolio
  5. 5) Explore the various methods through which portfolio evaluation could be done

  1. 1) Donald E.Fischer& Ronald J.Jordan, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, PHI Learning., New Delhi, 8th edition, 2011.
  2. 2) Prasannachandra, Investment analysis and Portfolio Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
  3. 3) Reilly & Brown, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Cengage Learning,9th edition, 2011.
    S. Kevin , Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management , PHI Learning , 2012.
  4. 4) Punithavathy Pandian, Analysis & Portfolio Management, Vikas publishing house PVT LTD, second edition, 2013.
  5. 5) Bodi, Kane, Markus, Mohanty, Investments, 8th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
  6. 6) V.A.Avadhan, Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2013.
  7. 7) V.K.Bhalla, Investment Management, S.Chand & Company Ltd., 2012


  • To understand the types and functions of the various financial markets in India, its instruments and Regulations.

Indian financial system and markets – structure of financial markets in India –Types-Participants in financial Market – Regulatory Environment, - RBI, CCIL, Common securities market, Money market, - Capital market - Governments philosophy and financial market – financial instruments

Primary Market - Primary market system - Types of scripts - Issue of capital: process, regulation pricing of issue, – Methods of floating new issues, Book building- Primary markets intermediaries: commercial banks, development banks, Merchant banker, issue managers, rating agencies etc – Role of primary market – Regulation of primary market.

Stock exchanges in India - History and development -listing - Depositaries - Stock exchange mechanism: Trading, Settlement, risk management, Basics of pricing mechanism - Player and stock exchange - Regulations of stock exchanges –Role of SEBI – BSE, OTCEI, NSE, ISE, - Role of FIIs, MFs and investment bankers –Stock market indices – calculation.

Bond markets in India: Government bond market and its interface with capital market - Components of bond market - G-Sec, T-Bills, Corporate Bonds, Yield conventions, Role of primary dealers, Auction Markets - Pricing of Bonds
Introduction to Forex markets, basics in exchange rates theory - Forex risk exposures and basics of corporate forex risk management.

Mutual funds institutions in India. Types of mutual funds, Basics in portfolio management, Metrics of performance for fund manager
Introduction to Derivatives and the size of derivatives markets -Brief introduction to forwards, Options, Futures And Swaps. Role of VCs and PEs in financial markets - Venture capital and Private equity

  1. 1) Understanding the basic concepts of the finance markets in India
  2. 2) Identify the underlying structure and functions of Indian financial markets
  3. 3) Familiarise the methods of issuing shares and the role of intermediaries in the primary market
  4. 4) Learn about the trading mechanism in stock market
  5. 5) Describe the instruments, participants and trading in debt market

  1. 1) Christopher Viney and Peter Phillips, Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets (2015), 8th Edition published by McGraw Hill.
  2. 2) Pathak, Bharati V., Indian Financial System: Markets, Institutions and Services, Pearson education (Singapore), New Delhi, Fourth edition, 2014.
  3. 3) Saunders, Anthonu and Cornett, Marcia Millon, Financial markets and Institutions: An Introduction to the risk management approach, McGrawHill, Irwin, New York,3rd Edition,2017.
  4. 4) Bhole, L.M, Financial institutions and Markets: Structure, Growth and Innovations, McGrawHill, New Delhi, Sixth edition, 2017.
  5. 5) 5.Fabozzi, Frank J. and Modigliani, Franco, Capital Markets: Institutions and Markets, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Fourth edition, 2009.


  • Grasp how banks raise their sources and how they deploy it and manage the associated risks
  • Understand e-banking and the threats that go with it.
  • Understand about other asset based and fund based financial services in India

Overview of Indian Banking system – Structure – Functions – Key Regulations in Indian Banking sector –RBI Act, 1934/ 2006 –Banking Regulation Act, 1949– Negotiable Instruments Act 1881/ 2002 – Provisions Relating to CRR – Provision for NPA’s - Overview of Financial Statements of banks – Balance Sheet – Income Statement - CAMEL

Capital Adequacy – Deposit and Non-deposit sources – Designing deposit schemes and pricing of deposit sources – loan management – Investment Management – Asset and Liability Management – Financial Distress –Signal to borrowers – Prediction Models – Risk Management – Interest rate – Forex – Credit market –operational and solvency risks – NPA’s – Current issues on NPA’s – M&A’s of banks into securities market

Payment system in India – paper based – e payment –electronic banking –plastic money – e-money –forecasting of cash demand at ATM’s –The Information Technology Act, 2000 in India – RBI’s Financial Sector Technology vision document – security threats in e-banking & RBI’s Initiative.

Introduction – Need for Financial Services – Financial Services Market in India –NBFC – RBI framework and act for NBFC – Leasing and Hire Purchase – Financial evaluation – underwriting – mutual funds

Insurance Act, 1938 –IRDA – Regulations – Products and services –Venture Capital Financing –Bill discounting –factoring – Merchant Banking – Role of SEBI

  1. 1) Understand the overall structure and functions of Indian Financial System
  2. 2) Gain knowledge about regulations governing the Indian Banking system
  3. 3) Price various types of loans proposed by banks to various prospective borrowers with different risk profiles and evaluate the performance of banks
  4. 4) Familiarise the students with the concept of e-banking
  5. 5) In-depth understanding of fee-based and fund-based financial services in India

  1. 1) Padmalatha Suresh and Justin Paul, “Management of Banking and Financial Services, Pearson, Delhi, 2017.
  2. 2) Meera Sharma, “Management of Financial Institutions – with emphasis on Bank and Risk Management”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 2010
  3. 3) Peter S. Rose and Sylvia C. and Hudgins, “Bank Management and Financial Services”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017


To enable students
  • Understand the nuances involved in derivatives
  • Understand the basic operational mechanisms in derivatives

Derivatives – Definition – Types – Forward Contracts – Futures Contracts – Options – Swaps – Differences between Cash and Future Markets – Types of Traders – OTC and Exchange Traded Securities – Types of Settlement – Uses and Advantages of Derivatives – Risks in Derivatives.

Specifications of Futures Contract - Margin Requirements – Marking to Market – Hedging using Futures – Types of Futures Contracts – Securities, Stock Index Futures, Currencies and Commodities – Delivery Options – Relationship between Future Prices, Forward Prices and Spot Prices.

Definition – Exchange Traded Options, OTC Options – Specifications of Options – Call and Put Options – American and European Options – Intrinsic Value and Time Value of Options –Option payoff, options on Securities, Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures – Options pricing models – Differences between future and Option contracts.

Definition of SWAP – Interest Rate SWAP – Currency SWAP – Role of Financial Intermediary– Warehousing – Valuation of Interest rate SWAPs and Currency SWAPs Bonds and FRNs –Credit Risk.

Evolution of Derivatives Market in India – Regulations - framework – Exchange Trading in Derivatives – Commodity Futures – Contract Terminology and Specifications for Stock Options and Index Options in NSE – Contract Terminology and specifications for stock futures and Index futures in NSE – Contract Terminology and Specifications for Interest Rate Derivatives.

  1. 1) Possess good skills in hedging risks using derivatives
  2. 2) Understand about future contract and options
  3. 3)Learning in depth about options and swaps
  4. 4) Knowing about the evolution of derivative markets
  5. 5) Develop in depth knowledge about stock options and index futures in NSE

  1. 1) John.C.Hull, Options, Futures and other Derivative Securities‟, PHI Learning, 9th Edition, 2012
  2. 2) Keith Redhead, „Financial Derivatives – An Introduction to Futures, Forwards, Options and SWAPs‟,– PHI Learning, 2011.
  3. 3) Stulz, Risk Management and Derivaties, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition, 2011.
  4. 4) Varma, Derivaties and Risk Management, 2ndt Edition, 2011.
  5. 5) David Dubofsky – „Option and Financial Futures – Valuation and Uses, McGraw Hill International Edition.
  6. 6) S.L.Gupta, Financial Derivaties- Theory, Concepts and Practice, Prentice Hall Of India, 2011. Website of NSE, BSE.


  • Making students to build financial models by including various fields of study viz Financial Management and Derivatives.

Introduction to Financial Modelling- Need for Financial Modelling- Steps for effective financial modelling-Introduction to Time value of money & Lookup array functions :FV,PV,PMT,RATE,NPER, Vlookup, Hlookup ,if, countifetc - Time value of Money Models: EMI with Single & Two Interest rates –Loan amortisation modelling-Debenture redemption modelling

Bond valuation – Yield to Maturity(YTM): Rate method Vs IRR method-Flexi Bond and Strip Bond YTM Modelling-Bond redemption modelling -Equity share valuation : Multiple growth rate valuation modelling with and without growth rates

Alt Man Z score Bankruptcy Modelling-Indifference point modelling – Financial Break even modelling -Corporate valuation modelling (Two stage growth)- Business Modelling for capital budgeting evaluation: Payback period ,NPV ,IRR and MIRR

Risk ,Beta and Annualised Return –Security Market Line Modelling –Portfolio risk calculation (Equal Proportions)-Portfolio risk optimisation (varying proportions)-Portfolio construction modelling

Option pay off modelling: Long and Short Call & Put options -Option pricing modeling (B-S Model)-Optimal Hedge Contract modelling

  1. 1) Develop fast, efficient and accurate excel skills
  2. 2) Design and construct useful and robust financial modelling applications
  3. 3) Recognize efficient financial budgeting and forecasting techniques
  4. 4) Familiarise the students with the valuation modelling of securities
  5. 5) The course establishes the platform for students to develop various portfolio models

  1. 1)Wayne L Winston,” Microsoft Excel 2016-Data Analysis and Business Modelling ”,PHI publications, (Microsoft Press),New Delhi,2017.
  2. 2) Chandan Sen Gupta, ”Financial analysis and Modelling –Using Excel and VBA” , Wiley Publishing House ,2014’
  3. 3) Craig W Holden,”Excel Modelling in Investments” Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Inc,New Jersey,5th Edition 2015
  4. 4) Ruzhbeh J Bodanwala , ”Financial management using excel spread sheet”,Taxman Allied services Pvt Ltd, New Delhi,3rd Edition 2015.


  • To understand the International Financial Environment, Management and Risks involved.

Overview and Evolution of International Finance –Institutions for International Finance – Internationalization process –International Monetary and Financial System – Balance of Payments – Exchange rate and money supply – International parity relations – Purchasing power parity – interest rate parity – Forward rate parity.

Process of overseas expansion – Reasons for cross-border investing – The theory of investment – techniques of project evaluation - Approaches for investment under uncertainty - FDI – Measuring and Managing Risk – International M&A – Financial Techniques in M&A – Regulations of M&A in major countries

Introduction to Institutions of the Foreign Exchange Interbank Market - Foreign Exchange Spot Transactions – forward market –– Hedging and Speculation - Hedging FX Transaction Exposure - The Eurocurrency market – international banking – structure and instruments

Bond Markets of various countries – Fixed and floating rate notes - Syndicate loans – Syndicated Eurocredits – ADR – GDR – Managing interest rate risk – Bond prices and yeils – Bond Management – tools and techniques

Country and political risk analysis – benefits and risks of international portfolio investment – assessing country creditworthiness – futures markets and instruments – option markets and instruments – option pricing – option pricing theory in financial risk assessment

  1. 1) Learn about evolution, process and system of International Finance
  2. 2) Identify the concepts of international merger and acquisitions, financial techniques and regulations
  3. 3) Understand about international monetary system
  4. 4) Knowing about ADR, GDR and bond management
  5. 5) Explore the learning in international risk assessment

  1. 1) Apte P.G., International Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
  2. 2) Jeff Madura, International Corporate Finance, Cengage Learning, 9th Edition, 2011.
  3. 3) Alan C. Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management, PHI Learning, 5th Edition, 2010.
  4. 4) Eunand Resnik, International Financial Management, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2011.
  5. 5) Website of Indian Government on EXIM policy


  • To identify and understand systematic behavioral factors that influences the investment behavior.

The role of security prices in the economy – EMH – Failing EMH – EMH in supply and demand framework – Equilibrium expected return models – Investment decision under uncertainty – Introduction to neoclassical economics and expected utility theory – Return predictability in stock market - Limitations to arbitrage

Nash Equilibrium: Keynesian Beauty Context and The Prisoner’s Dilemma - The Monthy Hall Paradox - The St. Petersburg Paradox - The Allais Paradox - The Ellsberg Paradox - Prospects theory – CAPM - behavioral portfolio theory – SP/A theory – brief history on rational thought – pasacl – Fermat to Friedman - savage

Information screening bias - Heuristics and behavioral biases of investors – Bayesian decision making – cognitive biases – forecasting biases – emotion and neuroscience – group behaviour – investing styles and behavioral finance

Definition of arbitrageur - Long-short trades - Risk vs. Horizon - Transaction costs and short-selling costs - Fundamental risk - Noise-trader risk - Professional arbitrage - Destabilizing informed trading

Supply of securities and firm investment characteristics (market timing, catering) by rational firms - Associated institutions - Relative horizons and incentives - Biased managers

  1. 1) Understanding the need of behavioural finance
  2. 2) Knowing about various decision and behavioural theories
  3. 3) Learn about heuristic and behavioural biases of investors
  4. 4) Analyse and understand about arbitragers and managerial decision
  5. 5) Thorough understanding about the price discovery in markets\

  1. 1) Shleifer, Andrei (2000). Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  2. 2) Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic, and Amos Tversky (eds.). (1982) Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and biases, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.


  • To understand the concepts of effective retailing

An overview of Global Retailing – Challenges and opportunities – Retail trends in India – Socio economic and technological Influences on retail management – Government of India policy implications on retails

Organized and unorganized formats – Different organized retail formats – Characteristics of each format – Emerging trends in retail formats – MNC's role in organized retail formats.

Choice of retail locations - internal and external atmospherics – Positioning of retail shops – Building retail store Image - Retail service quality management – Retail Supply Chain Management – Retail Pricing Decisions. Merchandizing and category management – buying.

Visual Merchandise Management – Space Management – Retail Inventory Management – Retail accounting and audits - Retail store brands – Retail advertising and promotions – Retail Management Information Systems - Online retail – Emerging trends .

Understanding of Retail shopper behavior – Shopper Profile Analysis – Shopping Decision Process - Factors influencing retail shopper behavior – Complaints Management - Retail sales force Management – Challenges in Retailing in India.

  1. 1) To provide insights on retail operation
  2. 2) To understand effective methods and strategies required for retail management.
  3. 3) To understand how to utilize resources and techniques used in retail management.
  4. 4) To understand analysis of store location, merchandising, products and pricing.
  5. 5) To gain knowledge about shopping behaviour

  1. 1) Michael Havy ,Baston, Aweitz and Ajay Pandit, Retail Management, Tata Mcgraw Hill, Sixth Edition, 2007
  2. 2) Ogden, Integrated Retail Management, Biztantra, India, 2008.
  3. 3) Patrick M. Dunne and Robert F Lusch, Retailing, Thomson Learning, 4th Edition 2008
  4. 4) Chetan Bajaj, Rajnish Tow and Nidhi V. Srivatsava, Retail Management, Oxford University Press, 2007.
  5. 5) Swapna Pradhan, Retail Management -Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2009.
  6. 6) Dunne, Retailing, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition, 2008
  7. 7) Ramkrishnan and Y.R.Srinivasan, Indian Retailing Text and Cases, Oxford University Press, 2008
  8. 8) Dr.JaspreetKaur , Customer Relationship Management, Kogent solution.


  • To study and understand the consumer' behavior in-order to effectively utilise the market potential

Understanding Consumer behaviour - Consumption, Consumer orientation, Interpretive and Quantitative approaches - Effects of Technology, Demographics and Economy on Consumer behaviour

Influences on consumer behavior – motivation – perception – Attitudes and Beliefs - Learning and Experience - Personality & Self Image.

Socio-Cultural, Cross Culture - Family group – Reference group – Communication - Influences on Consumer behavior

Traditional and Contemporary Consumer behaviour model for Individual and industrial buying behaviour and decision making.

Consumer decision making process – Steps, Levels and decision rules - Evolving Indian consumers – Opinion Leadership - Diffusion and Adoption.

  1. 1) Consumer orientation and consumption
  2. 2) Intrinsic influences
  3. 3) Effects of external influences
  4. 4) Models of consumer and industrial buying
  5. 5) The decision making process

  1. 1) RamanujMajumdar, Consumer Behaviour - Insights from Indian Market, PHI, 2010.
  2. 2) Leon G.Schiffman and Leslie LasarKanuk, Consumer Behavior, Pearson Education, India, ninth edition, 2010.
  3. 3) Barry J.B., Eric G.H., Ashutosh M., Consumer Behaviour - A South Asian Perspective, Cengage Learning, 2016.
  4. 4) Paul Peter et al., Consumer Behavior and Marketing Stratergy, Tata McGraw Hill, Indian Edition, 7th Edition 2005.


  • This course introduces students to the essential concepts and techniques for the development and designing an effective Integrated Marketing Communication programme.

An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC): Meaning and role of IMC in Marketing process, one voice communication V/s IMC. Introduction to IMC tools – Advertising, sales promotion, publicity, public relations, and event sponsorship; The role of advertising agencies and other marketing organizations providing marketing services and perspective on consumer behaviour

Understanding communication process: Source, Message and channel factors, Communication response hierarchy- AIDA model, Hierarchy of effect model, Innovation adoption model, information processing model, The standard learning Hierarchy, Attribution Hierarchy, and low 20% involvement hierarchy Consumer involvement- The Elaboration Likelihood (ELM) model, The Foote, Cone and Belding (FCB) Model

Establishing marcom Objectives and Budgeting for Promotional Programmes-Setting communication objectives, Sales as marcom objective, DAGMAR approach for setting ad objectives. Budgeting for marcom-Factors influencing budget, Theoretical approach to budgeting viz. Marginal analysis and Sales response curve, Method to determine marcom budget

Planning and development of creative marcom, Creative strategies in advertising, sales promotion, publicity, event sponsorships etc. Creative strategy in implementation and evaluation of marcom- Types of appeals and execution styles. Media planning and selection decisions- steps involved and information needed for media planning. Measuring the effectiveness of all Promotional tools and IMC.

Digital Media, Evolution of Technology, Convergence of Digital Media, E- Commerce and Digital Media, Advertising on Digital Media, Social Media, Mobile Adverting, E-PR Advertising Laws & Ethics: Adverting & Law, Advertising & Ethics

  1. 1) To review and give a general understanding of the basics of traditional communication forms, such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and indirect promotion within various delivery vehicles from broadcast to targeted social media.
  2. 2) This course introduces students to the essential concepts and techniques for the development and designing an effective Integrated Marketing Communication programme
  3. 3) To Know how IMC fits into the marketing mix
  4. 4) To develop an awareness about marketing communications tools, and how each can be used effectively- individually or in an integrated mix
  5. 5) To examine the process by which integrated marketing communications programs are planned,developed, executed and measured

  1. 1) Advertising & Promotion- An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, George Belch, Michael Belch &KeyoorPurani, TATA McGraw Hill 8th edition
  2. 2) Wells, Moriarty & Burnett, Advertising, Principles & Practice, Pearson Education, 7th Edition, 2007. Kenneth Clow. Donald Baack, Integrated Advertisements, Promotion and Marketing communication, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2006
  3. 3) Terence A. Shimp and J.Craig Andrews, Advertising Promotion and other aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, CENGAGE Learning, 9th edition, 2016
  4. 4) S. H. H. Kazmi and Satish K Batra, Advertising & Sales Promotion, Excel Books, New Delhi, 3rd Revised edition edition, 2008.
  5. 5) Julian Cummings, Sales Promotion: How to Create, Implement and Integrate Campaigns that Really Work, Kogan Page, London, Fifth Edition Edition ,2010.
  6. 6) JaishriJefhwaney, Advertising Management, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2013.
  7. 7) Dr Niraj Kumar, Integrated Marketing Communication,Himalaya Publishing House 2015


  • To appreciate the challenges involved in managing the services and analyse the strategies to deal with these challenges.
  • To give insights about the foundations of services marketing, customer expectations of services and gap existing in the service delivery processes and service Quality

Introduction– Definition– Service Economy – Evolution and growth of service sector – Nature and Scope of Services –Difference between services and tangible products– Unique characteristics of services– Challenges and issues in Services Marketing.

Assessing service market potential – Classification of services – Expanded marketing mix – Service marketing – Environment and trends – Service market segmentation, targeting and positioning.

Service Life Cycle – New service development – Service Blue Printing – GAP model of service quality – Measuring service quality – SERVQUAL – Service Quality function development.

Positioning of services – Designing service delivery System, Service Channel – Pricing of services, methods – Service marketing triangle – Managing demand, Managing supply, managing Demand and Supply of Service–Integrated Service marketing communication.

Service Marketing Strategies for Health – Hospitality – Tourism – Financial – Logistics– Educational – Marketing of Online Services– Entertainment & public utility Information technique Services

  1. 1) Demonstrate an extended understanding of the similarities and differences in service-based and physical product based marketing activities
  2. 2) Develop and justify marketing planning and control systems appropriate to service-based activities
  3. 3) Demonstrate integrative knowledge of marketing issues associated with service productivity, perceived quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty
  4. 4) Develop blueprint for the services sector and develop a better appreciation of the necessary strategies to create a service excellence
  5. 5) Recognise the challenges faced in services delivery as outlined in the services gap model

  1. 1) Chiristropher H. Lovelock and JochenWirtz, Services Marketing: People, Technology, strategy Pearson Education, New Delhi,8 th edition, 2016.
  2. 2) John.E.G.Bateson, K.Douglas Hoffman, Services Marketing, South Western Cengage learning, 4th Edition, 2011.
  3. 3) Kenneth E Clow, et al, Services Marketing Operation Management and Strategy, Biztantra, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, 2004.
  4. 4) Valarie Zeithaml et al, Services Marketing, 5th International Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
  5. 5) Christian Gronroos, Services Management and Marketing a CRM in Service Competition, 3rd Edition,Wiley,2007.
  6. 6) R. Srinivasan, SERVICES MARKETING, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited,4th Edition 2014, New Delhi.
  7. 7) Vinnie Jauhari&kirti Dutta (2017), Services Marketing, Text and cases, 2nd edition.


  • To gain insights into the selling and distribution process.

Sales management - nature and scope. Sales management positions. Personal Selling - Scope, theories and strategies. Sales forecasting and budgeting decisions. Online selling - scope, potential, Merits and Demerits.

Selling process and relationship selling. Designing Sales Territories and quotas. Sales organisation structures.

Sales force - recruitment, selection, training, motivating, compensation and control.

Distribution Management - Introduction, need and scope. Channels -Strategies and levels, retailing and wholesaling. Designing channel systems and channel management.

Logistics - Scope, definition and components. Managing FG Inventory & warehousing. Transportation - Scope, Modes and role in Supply Chain effectiveness. Use of Information Technology in Online Selling and Goods tracking.

  1. 1) The basics of sales management, theories and strategies
  2. 2) The process of personal and relationship selling
  3. 3) Managing sales force
  4. 4) Managing distribution channels
  5. 5) Inventory and supply chain.

  1. 1) Krishna K. Havaldar, Vasant M. Cavale, Sales and Distribution Management - Text and Cases, Third Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017
  2. 2) Gupta S.L., Sales and Distribution Management - Text and Cases - An Indian Perspective, Excel Books, 2008
  3. 3) Pingali Venugopal, Sales and Distribution Management - An Indian Perspective, Response Books from Sage Publications, 2008.


  • To help the students appreciate the relationship between Corporate Strategy and Product and Brand Management
  • To provide a framework to understand the new product development process, the organisational structures for new product development and product management functions within an organisation
  • To explore the various issues related to Brand Management and to enhance the understanding and appreciation of this important intangible strategic asset, including brand associations, brand identity, brand architecture, leveraging brand assets, brand portfolio management etc

Management of New Product Development Process - Managing Product Life cycle -Brands and Branding- Introduction to Brand Management -Brand Management Process - Brand Choice Decisions and Models.

Product Plans-Elements of Branding- Brand Identity -Brand Communication -Brand Positioning -Brand Image and Personality - Valuation of Brands- Brand Valuation -Brand Tracking and Monitoring

Marketing Mix Factors and Products-Managing Brand Over Time- Building Brands in Indian Market - Launching a New Brand -Revitalizing Brands - Branding Strategies- Brand Extension Strategies - Brand Portfolio Management- Managing Brands Across Geographical Borders

Managing Brand Experience - Digital Branding-Employment Branding - Co-branding- Brand extension scorecard-Culture and branding-Brand flashbacks-Future brand priorities.

Advertising -Brand Name Plan- Pricing Systems -Product Distribution Systems -Advertising and Sales Promotion - Product Sales Management -Product and Public Relations Service Product Marketing - Industrial Product Marketing Product Exports and International Marketing -Critical Success Factors in Brand Management.

  1. 1) Apply the fundamental concepts of product and brand development and management.
  2. 2) Use the brand positioning framework to develop a brand, keep it relevant, expand a brand internationally, and reposition a brand.
  3. 3) Use tools and metrics to analyse competitors and develop positioning strategies.
  4. 4) Recognize the importance of using teams and organization to coordinate multiple interdisciplinary tasks in order to create and manage products within an organization
  5. 5) Apply an understanding of the product manager’s role in product pricing, sales, and promotion.

  1. 1) Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, by Kevin lane Keller;Ambi M. G. Parameswaran; IssacJacob;Fourth edition; Pearson Education India; 2015; ISBN-10: 9789332542204; ASIN: 9332542201
  2. 2)Product and Brand Management Tapan K. Panda Paperback: 888 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; First edition ( January 2016);ISBN-10: 9780199460496; ISBN-13: 978- 0199460496; ASIN: 0199460493
  3. 3) Product and brand management by U C Mathur;Publisher: Excel Books ( December 2012)ISBN10: 9350620146;ISBN-13: 978-9350620144


  • The primary objective of this module is to examine and explore the role and importance of digital marketing in today’s rapidly changing business environment.
  • To provide a framework to understand the new product development process, the organisational structures for new product development and product management functions within an organisation
  • It also focusses on how digital marketing can be utilised by organisations and how its effectiveness can measured.

Online Market space- Digital Marketing Strategy- Components -Opportunities for building BrandWebsite - Planning and Creation- Content Marketing

Search Engine optimisation - Keyword Strategy- SEO Strategy - SEO success factors -On-Page Techniques - Off-Page Techniques. Search Engine Marketing- How Search Engine works- SEM components- PPC advertising -Display Advertisement

E- Mail Marketing - Types of E- Mail Marketing - Email Automation - Lead Generation - Integrating Email with Social Media and Mobile- Measuring and maximising email campaign effectiveness. Mobile Marketing- Mobile Inventory/channels- Location based; Context based; Coupons and offers, Mobile Apps, Mobile Commerce, SMS Campaigns-Profiling and targeting.

Social Media Marketing - Social Media Channels- Leveraging Social media for brand conversations and buzz.Successful /benchmark Social media campaigns. Engagement Marketing- Building Customer relationships - Creating Loyalty drivers - Influencer Marketing.

Digital Transformation & Channel Attribution- Analytics- Ad-words, Email, Mobile, Social Media, Web Analytics - Changing your strategy based on analysis- Recent trends in Digital marketing.

  1. 1) To examine and explore the role and importance of digital marketing in today’s rapidly changing business environment.
  2. 2) To focusses on how digital marketing can be utilised by organisations and how its effectiveness can measured.
  3. 3) To know the key elements of a digital marketing strategy
  4. 4) To study how the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign can be measured
  5. 5) To demonstrate advanced practical skills in common digital marketing tools such as SEO, SEM, Social media and Blogs.

  1. 1) Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Puneet Singh Bhatia;Publisher: Pearson Education; First edition ( July 2017);ISBN-10: 933258737X;ISBN-13: 978-9332587373.
  2. 2) Digital Marketing by Vandana Ahuja ;Publisher: Oxford University Press ( April 2015)
  3. 3) ISBN-10: 0199455449;ISBN-13: 978-0199455447
  4. 4) Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital by Philip Kotler;Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition ( April 2017); ISBN10: 9788126566938;ISBN13: 9788126566938;ASIN: 8126566930
  5. 5) Ryan, D. (2014 ). Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation, Kogan Page Limited.
  6. 6) Pulizzi,J Beginner's Guide to Digital Marketing , Mcgraw Hill Education.
  7. 7) Barker, Barker, Bormann and Neher(2017), Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach, 2E South-Western ,Cengage Learning.


  • To help students understand the transformation in the role of HR functions from being a support function to strategic function.

SHRM - SHRM models - strategic HRM vs Traditional HRM - Barriers to Strategic HR- Adopting an Investment Perspective - Understanding and Measuring Human capital - Human side of corporate strategies - strategic work redesign - Strategic Capability - Bench Marking

Meaning – Strategic framework for HRM and HRD – Vision, Mission and Values – Importance – Challenges to Organisations – HRD Functions - Roles of HRD Professionals - HRD Needs Assessment - HRD practices – Measures of HRD performance – Links to HR, Strategy and Business Goals – HRD Program Implementation and Evaluation – Recent trends –HRD Audit.

e- Employee profile– e- selection and recruitment - Virtual learning and Orientation – e - training and development – e-learning strategies- e- Performance management - and Compensation design - Use of mobile applications in HR functions– Development and Implementation of HRIS – Designing HR portals – Issues in employee privacy – Employee surveys online.

Career Concepts – Roles – Career stages – Career planning and Process – Career development Models– Career Motivation and Enrichment –Managing Career plateaus- Designing Effective Career Development Systems – Competencies and Career Management – Competency Mapping Models – Equity and Competency based Compensation.

Need for Coaching – Role of HR in coaching – Coaching and Performance – Skills for Effective Coaching – Coaching Effectiveness– Need for Counseling – Role of HR in Counseling - Components of Counseling Programs – Counseling Effectiveness – Employee Health and Welfare Programs

  1. 1) Understand the relationship of HR strategy with overall corporate strategy, the strategic role of specific HR systems
  2. 2) Appreciate SHRM in the context of changing forms of organisation and will have a better understanding of the tools and techniques used by organizations to meet current challenges.
  3. 3) To be more sensitive to cross-cultural issues and understanding of international approaches to dealing with people in organisations. Students will look at HRM in a broader, comparative and international perspective to deal with complex issues and manifold risks.
  4. 4) Providing an overview of the counselling and coaching processes and techniques, Developing alternative approach to dealing with problem situations in organisations
  5. 5) Understand the career development theories and models and gain necessary self-insight, skills and techniques to become effective HR managers

  1. 1) Randy L. Desimone, Jon M. Werner – David M. Mathis, Human Resource Development, Cengage Learning, 7th edition, 2016.
  2. 2) Randy L. Desimone, Jon M. Werner – David M. Mathis, Human Resource Development, Cengage Learning, 7th edition, 2016.
  3. 3) Paul Boselie. Strategic Human Resource Management. Tata McGraw Hill. 2011
  4. 4) Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson, Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning, 2007.
  5. 5) Pulak Das. Strategic Human Resource Management- A Resource Driven Perspective- Cengage Learning 4th Indian Reprint- 2013.
  6. 6) Terresa Torres Coronas & Mario Arias Olivia. e-Human Resource Management- Managing Knowledge People- Idea Group Publishing, 2005
  7. 7) Randall S Schuler and Susan E Jackson. Strategic Human Resource Management. Wiley Publications- 2007.


  • To explore contemporary knowledge and gain a conceptual understanding of industrial relations.
  • To have a broad understanding of the legal principles governing the employment relationship at individual and collective level.

Concept, scope- objectives- Importance - Approaches to IR- Industrial relations system in India. Trade Unions Act,1926- trade union movement in India- objective -role - functions-procedure for registration of trade unions- Rights and responsibilities- problems- Employee relations in IT sector

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947-Disputes – Impact – Causes – Strikes – Prevention – Industrial Peace – Government Machinery – Conciliation – Arbitration – Adjudication. Labour welfare- statutoryVoluntary- welfare funds-welfare of unorganized labou

Origin and growth of labour legislation in India- Principles of labour legislations-Factories Act 1948- Minimum Wages Act, 1948- Payment of Wages Act, 1936- Payment of Bonus Act, 1965-

The Industrial employment (standing orders) Act, 1946- The Apprentices act, 1961-The Equal Remuneration act, 1976- Payment of Gratuity act 1972- Employee compensation act in 2013

Employees’ Provident fund and Miscellaneous provisions act, 1952- Employees’ state insurance (ESI) Act, 1948- Maternity Benefit Act, 1961- Contract Labour Regulations and Abolition Act, 1970 -The Child Labour Prevention and Regulation Act, 1986.

  1. 1) Industrial relations system and Trade unions
  2. 2) Industrial Disputes and labour welfare measures
  3. 3) Labour legislation introduction and legal provisions for factory workers, wages and Bonus
  4. 4) Legal provisions for equal remuneration, gratuity, compensation, industrial employment and Apprenticeship
  5. 5) Legal provisions for EPF, ESI, Maternity, contract labours, and child labour prevention.

  1. 1) Mamoria C.B. and SathishMamoria, Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2016.
  2. 2) Kapoor N. D , Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand, 2014
  3. 3) ArunMonappa, RanjeetNambudiri, PatturajaSelvaraj. Industrial relations &Labour Laws. Tata McGraw Hill. 2012
  4. 4) P.K. Padhi, Industrial Laws, PHI, 2017.
  5. 5) P.R.N Sinha, InduBala Sinha, Seema PriyardarshiniShekhar. Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation. Pearson. 2017
  6. 6) Tax Mann, Labour Laws, 2018.
  7. 7) Srivastava, Industrial Relations and Labour laws, Vikas, 2015.
  8. 8) P.N.Singh, Neeraj Kumar. Employee relations Management. Pearson. 2011.
  9. 9) Ratna Sen, Industrial Relations in India, Shifting Paradigms, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.
  10. 10) C.S.VenkataRatnam, Globalisation and Labour Management Relations, Response Books, 2007.


  • To help the students to gain knowledge about the concepts of change management and to acquire the skills required to manage any change effectively
  • To understand the concept and techniques of OD and to enable the skills for the application of OD in organizations.

Organizational Design – Determinants – Components – Basic Challenges of design – Differentiation, Integration, Centralization, Decentralization, Standardization, Mutual adjustment -Mechanistic and Organic Structures- Technological and Environmental Impacts on Design-Importance of Design – Success and Failures in design

Meaning, Nature, Forces for change- change agents- Change process-Types and forms of changeModels of change- Resistance to change – individual factors – organizational factors – techniques to overcome change- Change programs –job redesign.

Introduction- evolution- basic values and assumptions- foundations of OD- Process of OD- managing the phases of OD- Organizational diagnosis-Process-stages- Techniques-Questionnaire, interview, workshop, task-force- collecting, analyzing- feedback of diagnostic information.

Human process interventions-Individual, group and inter-group human relations- structure and technological interventions- strategy interventions – sensitivity training – survey feedback, process consultation – team building – inter-group development.

Organizational life cycle – Models of transformation – Models of Organizational Decision making – Organizational Learning – Innovation, Intrapreneurship and Creativity-HR implications.

  1. 1) The fundamentals of organizational design and structure
  2. 2) Change process, types, and models of change in organizat
  3. 3) The fundamentals of organizational development
  4. 4) Organizational development Interventions
  5. 5) Organizational evolution and sustenance

  1. 1) French & Bell: Organisational Development, McGraw-Hill, 2005
  2. 2) Wendell L. French, Cecil H. Bell, Jr, Veena Vohra - Organization Development : Behavioral Science Interventions for Organizational Improvement, Sixth Edition 2017
  3. 3) Rajiv Shaw: Surviving Tomorrow: Turnaround Strategies In Organisational Design And Development, Vikas Publishing House.
  4. 4) Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley: Organisation Development And Change, Thomson Learning.
  5. 5) S. Ramnarayan, T. Venkateswara Rao, Kuldeep Singh: Organization Development: Interventions And Strategies, Sage Publications
  6. 6) Organization Development, behavioral science interventions for Organization Improvement, Wendell French, Cecil H.Bell, Veena, Jr, Pearson, PHI
  7. 7) Change & Knowledge Management-R.L. Nandeshwar, Bala Krishna Jayasimha, Excel Books, 1st Ed.
  8. 8) Management of Organizational Change – K Harigopal – Response BOOKS, 2nd editon,2006
  9. 9) Organizational, Design, and Change-Gareth R. Jones, 5th Edition, Pearson Education


  • To develop an understanding of the nature and strategies of negotiation.
  • To understand conflict and strategies to resolve the conflict.

Nature, Characteristics of negotiation- Dimensions of Negotiation-Structure- Norms & values-Types of Negotiation- Negotiation process- Perception and Preparation-Communication and InfluenceTechniques of Negotiation- Issues in negotiation.

strategy and planning for negotiation- Strategy and Tactics for distributive bargaining -Integrative negotiation-Negotiation power- source of power- Cross culture Negotiation-Ethics in negotiation.

Understanding conflict, components, perspective of conflict- Types of conflict- Models of conflict (Process & Structural)-Sources of conflict- Contingency approach, conflict management process, conflict domain, conflict trends, conflict distribution, conflict mapping and tracking-conflict & performance - Advantages & Disadvantages of Conflict.

Individual difference- Personalities & abilities- Interpersonal conflict- Group conflict- Organizational conflict- Dealing with difficult subordinates & boss-Technique to resolve team conflict- organizational conflict strategies.

onflict resolution models-framework model-classical ideas- new developments in conflict resolutionEnvironmental conflict resolution-gender and conflict resolution-Assessing the cost of workplace conflict.

  1. 1) The fundamentals of Negotiation, Types, process and techniques
  2. 2) Strategies and tactics in Negotiation
  3. 3) The basics of Conflict management, models, approaches and process
  4. 4) Managing interpersonal, group and organizational conflict
  5. 5) Conflict resolution models and cost of workplace conflict

  1. 1) Negotiation - Lewicki, Saunders, Barry, TMGH, 2014
  2. 2) Corporate Conflict Management - concepts & skills by Eirene Rout, Nelson Omika, PHI, 2007
  3. 3) Negotiation- Communication for diverse settings- Michael Spangle, Sage Publication, 2008
  4. 4) Managing conflict and negotiation, B.D. Singh, 1st edition, Excel books, 2008.
  5. 5) Conflict Management: Practical guide to develop negotiation strategies, Barbara A Budjac Corvette, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, ISBN: 8174466428, 9788174466426
  6. 6) Managing Conflict in Organizations, M. Afzalur Rahim, 4th Edition, Transaction Publishers, 2011, ISBN 1412844258, 9781412844253
  7. 7) Negotiation, Harvard Business Essentials, Harvard Business School Press, 2003
  8. 8) How to negotiate effectively, David Oliver, The Sunday Times, Kogan Page, 2010
  9. 9) Conflict Resolution Techniques by Subbulakshmi, ICFAI University press, 2005


  • To impart skills in designing analyzing and restructuring reward management systems, policies and strategies
  • To understand the various dimensions of Compensation Management

Compensation - Definition - objectives- principles of compensation formulation- Compensation Design and strategy- theories of wage determination- Wage Structure -types of wages- wage boards- wage policy. Compensation decisions- compensation benchmarking- compensation trends and reward system in India

Macroeconomics of Labour markets- Unemployment and its impact on labour market- Neoclassical microeconomics of labour markets-models, supply and demand-economic model Implications on employee compensation- economic theories and employee compensation- trade -offs - valuation of employee compensation

Nature and types of employee benefits- statutory employee benefits in India- Deferred compensation plan- Non-monetary benefits. Reward - Meaning, Elements, Types- Basic concepts of reward management - Designing reward system- Approaches to reward system- Difference between reward and compensation.

Executive Compensation – Components, Theories, Design- Relationship between Fixed and variable pay-Executive Incentive Programmes. Sale Compensation plan- design and administration- sales incentives and motivations. Compensation Management in Multi-National organisations

Performance management system (PMS)-performance objectives - indicators- standards and metric - effective performance modeling-dimensions of performance- competency based pay. Team Compensation – Gain Sharing Incentive Plan – Enterprise Incentive Plan – Profit Sharing Plan- ESOPs

  1. 1) The basics of Compensation Management and Reward system, Theories and strategie
  2. 2) Macro and micro economics of labour market and employee compensation
  3. 3) Managing employee benefits and rewards
  4. 4) Performance related compensation
  5. 5) Executive and sales compensation plans, theories and design

  1. 1) Richard.I. Henderson: Compensation Management In A Knowledge Based World – Prentice Hall, 2007.
  2. 2) Richard Thrope& Gill Homen: Strategic Reward Systems- Prentice-Hall, 2000
  3. 3) Reward Management: A Handbook of salary administration by Armstrong, Michael and Marlis, Kogan page business books, 2005
  4. 4) Thomas.P. Plannery, David.A. Hofrichter&Paul.E.Platten: People Performance & Pay – Free Press.
  5. 5) Michael Armstrong & Helen Murlis: Hand Book Of Reward Management – Crust Publishing House.
  6. 6) Joseph.J. Martocchio: Strategic Compensation – A Human Resource Management Approach –Prentice-Hall.
  7. 7) Edwarde.E.Lawler III: Rewarding Excellence (Pay Strategies for the New Economy) – Jossey-Bass.


  • The course aims to provide students insights to HR practices followed in Global organizations.

Definition – Evolution of HRM- Importance of IHRM, Models of IHRM – Matching Model, Harvard Model, Contextual Model, 5p Model, European Model, IHRM policies, Standardization and Localization of HRM practices

Internationalization and world business – Strategic orientation, IHRM in cross border Mergers and Acquisitions, International Alliances – IHRM & Competitive advantage- Cultural context of IHRM

International Managers staffing – Approaches to staffing – Role of Expatriates – Role of inpatriate – Role of Non expatriates- recruitment and selection methods- Current practices

Expatriate training program, components, types, effectiveness measures, HCN training- Trends in international training and development – repatriation process and training. International performance Management methods – cultural issues in Performance Management

Components of international compensation- Approaches to international compensation – Challenges and choices -International Labor Standards – emerging Issues

  1. 1) The basics of IHRM, models and practices
  2. 2) Strategic orientation and cultural context towards IHRM
  3. 3) International practices on recruitment and selection
  4. 4) International perspectives on Training, development, performance appraisal
  5. 5) International practices on Compensation management

  1. 1) Peter J Dowling & D E. Welch: International Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning 7th Edition IE.,2017
  2. 2) Monir H. Tayeb: International Human Resource Management,A Multinational Company Perspective Oxford University Press, IE
  3. 3) IbraizTarique, Dennis Briscoe&randall, International Human Resource Management- Policies and practices for Multinational Enterprises, Routledge, 5th edition
  4. 4) Anne- WilHarZing, Ashly Pinnington, International human Resource Management, 3rd edition, Sage Publication
  5. 5) P L Rao, International Human resource Management- Text and Cases, Excel Books
  6. 6) Christopher Brewster, Guy Vernon, Paul Sparrow, Elizabeth Houldsworth – International Human Resource Management, Kogan Page Publishers


  • To help understand the importance of and major decisions in supply chain management for gaining competitive advantage.

Supply Chain – Fundamentals, Evolution, Role in Economy, Importance, Decision Phases, Enablers & Drivers of Supply Chain Performance; Supply chain strategy; Supply Chain Performance Measures.

Distribution Network Design – Role in supply chain, Influencing factors, design options, online sales and distribution network, Distribution Strategies; Network Design in supply chain – Role, influencing factors, framework for network design, Impact of uncertainty on Network Design

Managing supply chain cycle inventory and safety inventory - Uncertainty in the supply chain , Analyzing impact of supplychain redesign on the inventory, Risk Pooling, Managing inventory for short life-cycle products, multiple item -multiple location inventory management; Pricing and Revenue Management.

Transportation – Role, Modes and their characteristics, infrastructure and policies, transport documentation, design options, trade-offs in transportation design, intermodal transportation. Logistics outsourcing – catalysts, benefits, value proposition. 3PL, 4PL, 5PL, 6PL; International Logistics -objectives, importance in global economy, Characteristics of global supply chains, Incoterms.

Supply Chain Integration, SC process restructuring, IT in Supply Chain; Agile Supply Chains, Legible supply chain, Green Supply Chain, Reverse Supply chain; Supply chain technology trends – AI, Advanced analytics, Internet of Things, Intelligent things, conversational systems, robotic process automation, immersive technologies, Blockchain.

  1. 1) Understanding of supply chain fundamentals
  2. 2) Ability to design supply chain networks to enhance supply chain performance
  3. 3) Ability to plan demand based on inventory and supply
  4. 4) Ability to plan demand based on inventory and supply
  5. 5) Awareness of innovations for sustainable supply chains

  1. 1) Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl and DharamVirKalra, Supply Chain Management-Strategy Planning and Operation, Pearson Education, Sixth Edition, 2016.
  2. 2) Janat Shah, Supply Chain Management – Text and Cases, Pearson Education, 2009
  3. 3)Ballou Ronald H, Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education, 5 thEdition, 2007.
  4. 4) David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky, Edith Simchi-Levi, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Cases, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005.
  5. 5) Pierre David, International Logistics, Biztantra, 2011.


  • To learn the various principles and practices of Quality Management

Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definition of quality. Concept of Quality –different perspectives. Concept of total Quality – Design, inputs, process and output - Attitude and involvement of top management. Customer Focus – customer perception - customer retention. Dimensions of product and service quality. Cost of quality.

Quality Gurus - Crosby, Deming, Masaaki Imai, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, Juran, Oakland, ShigeoShingo, and Taguchi. Concepts of Quality circle, Japanese 5S principles and 8D methodology

Statistical Process Control (SPC) – Meaning, Significance. construction of control charts for variables and attributes. Process capability – meaning, significance and measurement. Six sigma- concepts of process capability. Reliability concepts – definitions, reliability in series and parallel, product life characteristics curve. Total productive maintenance (TMP), Terotechnology. Business process Improvement (BPI) – principles, applications, reengineering process, benefits and limitations.

Quality Tools - The seven traditional tools of quality, New management tools.Six-sigma, Bench marking, Poka-yoke, Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) – reliability, failure rate, FMEA stages, design, process and documentation. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) – Benefits, house of quality. Taguchi - quality loss function, parameter and tolerance design, signal tonoise ratio.

Introduction Quality management systems – IS/ISO 9004:2000 – Quality System –Elements, Documentation guidelines for performance improvements. Quality Audits - QS 9000 – ISO 14000 – Concepts. TQM -culture, framework, benefits, awareness and obstacles. Employee involvement – Motivation, empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal. Supplier - Selection, Partnering, Supplier Rating.

  1. 1) Understanding the evolution of Quality management
  2. 2) Understanding of quality philosophies and practices
  3. 3) Ability to apply statistical process control to enhance quality.
  4. 4) Ability to apply quality tools to enhance organization's quality performance
  5. 5) Awareness of quality management systems

  1. 1) Dale H.Besterfield, CarolBesterfield-Michna, Glen H. Besterfield, Mary Besterfield -Sacre, Hemant Urdhwareshe, Rashmi Urdhwareshe, Total Quality Management (TQM), Fifth edition, Pearson Education, 2018.
  2. 2) Shridhara Bhat K, Total Quality Management – Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, First Edition 2010
  3. 3) PoornimaM.Charantimath, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2011.
  4. 4) Douglas C. Montgomory, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley Student Edition4th Edition, Wiley India Pvt Limited, 2008.
  5. 5) Indian standard – quality management systems – Guidelines for performance improvement (Fifth Revision), Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi
  6. 6) Panneerselvam.R, Sivasankaran. P, Quality Management, PHI Learning, 2014.


  • To understand why materials management should be considered for profit in operations

Operating environment-aggregate planning-role, need, strategies, costs techniques, approachesmaster scheduling-manufacturing planning and control system-manufacturing resource planningenterprise resource planning-making the production plan

Materials requirements planning-bill of materials-resource requirement planning-manufacturing resource planning-capacity management-scheduling orders-production activity control-codification.

Policy Decisions–objectives-control -Retail Discounting Model, Newsvendor Model; Review of deterministic models, Probabilistic inventory models.

Establishing specifications-selecting suppliers-price determination-forward buying-mixed buying strategy-price forecasting-buying seasonal commodities-purchasing under uncertainty-demand management-price forecasting-purchasing under uncertainty-purchasing of capital equipmentinternational purchasing

Warehousing functions – types - Stores management-stores systems and procedures-incoming materials control-stores accounting and stock verification-Obsolete, surplus and scrap-value analysismaterial handling-transportation and traffic management -operational efficiency-productivity-cost effectiveness-performance measurement

  1. 1) Understanding basics of materials management
  2. 2) Understanding requirement analysis for material planning
  3. 3) Ability to apply inventory management models
  4. 4) Understanding purchasing practices
  5. 5) Understanding storage in warehouse

  1. 1) J.R.Tony Arnold, Stephen N. Chapman, Lloyd M. Clive, Materials Management, Pearson, 2012
  2. 2) P. Gopalakrishnan, Purchasing and Materials Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012
  3. 3) A.K.Chitale and R.C.Gupta, Materials Management, Text and Cases, PHI Learning, 2nd Edition, 2006
  4. 4) A.K.Datla, Materials Management, Procedure, Text and Cases, PHI Learning, 2nd Edition, 2006
  5. 5) Ajay K Garg, Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill , 2012
  6. 6) Ronald H. Ballou and Samir K. Srivastava, Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pearson education,Fifth Edition
  7. 7) S. N. Chary, Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill , 2012


  • To help understand how service performance can be improved by studying services operations management

Services – Importance, role in economy, service sector – nature, growth. Nature of services - distinctive characteristics, Service Package, Service classification, service-dominant logic, opensystems view. Service Strategy –Strategic service vision, competitive environment, generic strategies, winning customers; Role of information technology; stages in service firm competitiveness.

New Service Development – Design elements – Service Blue-printing - process structure – generic approaches. Service Encounter – triad, creating service orientation, service profit chain; Front-office Back-office Interface– service decoupling. Technology in services – self-service, automation, ecommerce, e-business, technology innovations.

Service Quality- Dimensions, Service Quality Gap Model; Measuring Service Quality –SERVQUAL, Walk-through Audit, Quality service by design , Service Recovery, Service Guarantees. Process Improvement –productivity improvement - DEA, quality tools, benchmarking, Quality improvement programs.

Supporting facility -Service scapes, Facility design – nature, objectives, process analysis, Service facility layout. Service Facility Location – considerations, facility location techniques – metropolitan metric, Euclidean, centre of gravity, retail outlet location, location set covering problem. Vehicle routing and Scheduling.

Managing Demand – strategies; Managing capacity – basic strategies, supply management tactics,operations planning and control; Yield management; Inventory Management in Services– RetailDiscounting Model, Newsvendor Model; Managing Waiting Lines –Queuing systems, psychology ofwaiting; Managing for growth- expansion strategies, franchising , globalization.

  1. 1) Appreciation of nature of service operations
  2. 2) Ability to design services
  3. 3) Ability to inculcate quality in service design and delivery
  4. 4) Ability to inculcate quality in service design and delivery
  5. 5) Ability to grow and sustain service business

  1. 1) James A. Fitzsimmons, Mona J, Fitzsimmons, Sanjeev Bordoloi, Service Management – Operations, Strategy, Information Technology,McGraw-Hill Education – 8th Edition 2018.
  2. 2) Richard D. Metters, Successful Service Operations Management, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition, 2012.
  3. 3) CengizHaksever, Barry Render, Service Management, Pearson Education, 2013
  4. 4) Robert Johnston, Graham Clark, Service Operations Management, Pearson Education, 2ndEdition, 2005.
  5. 5) Bill Hollins and Sadie Shinkins, Managing Service Operations, Sage, 2006.


  • To treat the subject in depth by emphasizing on the advanced quantitative models and methods in logistics and supply chain management and its practical aspects and the latest developments in the field

Introduction to analytics – descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics, Data Driven Supply Chains – Basics, transforming supply chains, Barriers to implementation, Road Map.

Mathematical Programming Models - P-Median Methods - Guided LP Approach - Balmer – Wolfe Method, Greedy Drop Heuristics, Dynamic Location Models, Space Determination and Layout Methods

Inventory aggregation Models, Dynamic Lot sizing Methods, Multi-Echelon Inventory models, Aggregate Inventory system and LIMIT, Risk Analysis in Supply Chain - Measuring transit risks, supply risks, delivering risks, Risk pooling strategies.

Notion of Graphs, Minimal Spanning Tree, Shortest Path Algorithms, Maximal Flow Problems, Multistage Transshipment and Transportation Problems, Set covering and Set Partitioning Problems, Traveling Salesman Algorithms, Advanced Vehicle Routing Problem Heuristics, Scheduling AlgorithmsDeficit function Approach and Linking Algorithms

Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Fuzzy Logic and Techniques, the analytical network process (ANP), TOPSIS-Application in SCM

  1. 1) Understanding of supply chain analytics fundamentals
  2. 2) Ability to design warehouse models to enhance supply chain performance
  3. 3) Ability to analyse models and strategies in inventory management.
  4. 4) Ability to understand network models in transportation.
  5. 5) Ability to make decision using multi-criteria in applications of SCM

  1. 1) Nada R. Sanders, Big data driven supply chain management: A framework for implementing analytics and turning information into intelligence, Pearson Education, 2014.
  2. 2) Michael Watson, Sara Lewis, Peter Cacioppi, Jay Jayaraman, Supply Chain Network Design: Applying Optimization and Analytics to the Global Supply Chain, Pearson Education, 2013
  3. 3) Anna Nagurney, Min Yu, Amir H. Masoumi, Ladimer S. Nagurney, Networks Against Time: Supply Chain Analytics for Perishable Products, Springer, 2013.
  4. 4) Muthu Mathirajan, ChandrasekharanRajendran, SowmyanarayananSadagopan, ArunachalamRavindran, ParasuramBalasubramanian, Analytics in Operations/Supply Chain Management , I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2016.
  5. 5) Gerhard J. Plenert, Supply Chain Optimization through Segmentation and Analytics, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.


  • To learn the fundamental principles and practices of managing projects.

Project Management – Definition –Goal - Lifecycles. Project Environments. Project Manager – RolesResponsibilities and Selection.

The Planning Process – Work Break down Structure. Cost Estimating and Budgeting - Process, Summaries, schedules and forecasts. Managing risks - concepts, identification, assessment and response planning.

PERT & CPM Networks - Project durations and floats - Crashing – Resource loading and leveling. Simulation for resource allocation. Goldratt‟s Critical Chain.

Formal Organisation Structure – Organisation Design – Types of project organizations. Conflict – Origin & Consequences. Project Teams. Managing conflict – Team methods for resolving conflict.

Project Control – Process, Monitoring, Internal and External control, Performance analysis, Performance Index Monitoring. Project Evaluation, Reporting and Termination. Project success and failure - Lessons

  1. 1) Ability to understand the roles and responsibilities of a project manager
  2. 2) Ability to plan and budget projects
  3. 3) Ability to schedule and allocate resources to projects.
  4. 4) Ability to manage project organization.
  5. 5) Ability to control and complete projects

  1. 1) John M. Nicholas, Project Management for Business and Technology - Principles and Practice,Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
  2. 2) Clifford Gray and Erik Larson, Project Management, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2005.
  3. 3) Gido and Clements, Successful Project Management, Seventh Edition, Thomson Learning, 2017.
  4. 4) Samuel J.M., Jack R.M., Scott M.S., Margaret M.S., and Gopalan M.R., Project Management, First Indian edition, Wiley-India, 2006.
  5. 5) Harvey Maylor, Project Management, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
  6. 6) Panneerselvam. R, Senthilkumar. P, Project Management, PHI Learning, 2009.


  • To know how to derive meaning form huge volume of data and information.
  • To understand how knowledge discovering process is used in business decision making.

Data mining, Text mining, Web mining, Spatial mining, Process mining, Data ware house and datamarts.

Datamining process – KDD, CRISP-DM, SEMMA and Domain-Specific, Classification and Prediction performance measures -RSME, MAD, MAP, MAPE, Confusion matrix, Receiver Operating Characteristic curve & AUC;Validation Techniques - hold-out, k-fold cross-validation, LOOCV, random subsampling, and bootstrapping.

Data visualization, Time series – ARIMA, Winter Holts, Vector Autoregressive analysis, Multivariate regression analysis.

Classification- Decision trees, k nearest neighbour, Logistic regression, Discriminant analysis; Clustering; Market basket analysis;

Genetic algorithms, Neural network, Fuzzy logic, Support Vector Machine, Optimization techniques – Ant Colony, Particle Swarm, DEA

  1. 1) Learn to apply various data mining techniques into various areas of different domains.
  2. 2) Be able to interact competently on the topic of data mining for business intelligence. Know the basics of data mining processes, algorithms, & systems well enough to interact with CTOs, expert data miners, consultants, etc.
  3. 3) Apply various prediction techniques.
  4. 4) Learn about supervised and unsupervised learning technique.
  5. 5) Develop and implement a basic trainable neural network (or) a fuzzy logic system to design and manufacturing

  1. 1) Jaiwei Ham and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining concepts and techniques, Kauffmann Publishers 2006
  2. 2) Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Jay E. Aronson and David King, Business Intelligence, Prentice Hall, 2008.
  3. 3) W.H.Inmon, Building the Data Warehouse, fourth edition Wiley India pvt. Ltd. 2005.
  4. 4) Ralph Kimball and Richard Merz, The data warehouse toolkit, John Wiley, 3rd edition, 2013.
  5. 5) Michel Berry and Gordon Linoff, Mastering Data mining, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2nd Edition, 2011.
  6. 6) Michel Berry and Gordon Linoff, Mastering Data mining, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2nd Edition,
  7. 7) G. K. Gupta, Ïntroduction to Data mining with Case Studies, Prentice hall of India, 2011
  8. 8) Giudici, Applied Data mining – Statistical Methods for Business and Industry, John Wiley. 2009
  9. 9) Elizabeth Vitt, Michael LuckevichStaciaMisner, Business Intelligence, Microsoft, 2011
  10. 10) Michalewicz Z., Schmidt M. Michalewicz M and Chiriac C, Adaptive Business Intelligence, Springer – Verlag, 2007
  11. 11) GalitShmueli, Nitin R. Patel and Peter C. Bruce, Data Mining for Business Intelligence – Concepts, Techniques and Applications Wiley, India, 2010.


  • To expose various algorithms related to Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
  • To prepare students to apply suitable algorithm for the specified applications.

Deep Networks: Modern Practices: Deep Forward Networks: Example: Learning XOR - Gradient-Based Learning - Hidden Units - Architecture Design - Regularization for Deep Learning.

Optimization for Training Deep Models: How Learning Differs from Pure Optimization - Challenges in Neural Network Optimization - Basic Algorithms - Parameter Initialization Strategies - Algorithms with Adaptive Learning Rates - Approximate Second-Order Methods - Optimization Strategies and MetaAlgorithms.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent Systems - Foundations of AI - Applications - Tic-Tac-Toe Game Playing - Problem Solving: State-Space Search and Control Strategies: Introduction - General Problem Solving - Exhaustive Searches - Heuristic Search Techniques.

Advanced Problem-Solving Paradigm: Planning: Introduction - Types of Planning Systems - Knowledge Representation: Introduction - Approaches to Knowledge Representation - Knowledge Representation using Semantic Network - Knowledge Representation using Frames.

Expert Systems and Applications: Blackboard Systems - Truth Maintenance Systems - Applications of Expert Systems - Machine-Learning Paradigms: Machine-Learning Systems - Supervised and Unsupervised Learnings.

  1. 1) Knowledge of Algorithms of Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence
  2. 2) Knowledge of applying Algorithm to specified applications.
  3. 3) Ability to understand intelligent systems and Heuristic Search Techniques
  4. 4) Understanding of Knowledge Representation, Semantic Networks and Frames
  5. 5) Knowledge Of Expert systems, applications and Machine learning

  1. 1) Ian Goodfellow, YoshuaBengio, Aaron Courville, “Deep Learning”, MIT Press, 2016.
  2. 2) Li Deng and Dong Yu, "Deep Learning Methods and Applications", Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing.
  3. 3) YoshuaBengio, "Learning Deep Architectures for AI", Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning.
  4. 4) SarojKaushik, "Artificial Intelligence", Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd.
  5. 5) Deepak Khemani, "A First Course in Artificial Intelligence", McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited, NewDelhi.
  6. 6) Elaine Rich, Kevin Night, Shivashankar B Nair, "Artificial Intelligence" Third Edition, McGraw Hill, 2008.


  • To showcase the opportunities that exist today to leverage the power of the web and social media

Evolution of online communities - History and Evolution of Social Media- Social Media vs. traditional media - Social Media Audience and Goals for using Social Media - Understanding Social Media: Strong and weak ties – Influencers - How ideas travel – Viralness - Social theory and social media - technological determinism in popular discourse on social media technologies.

Science of Social Media - Keys to Community Building - Promoting Social Media Pages- Linking Social Media Accounts-The Viral Impact of Social Media-Digital PR-Encourage Positive Chatter in Social Media - Identity in social media: formation of identities, communities, activist movements, and consumer markets - Social Media as business.

Social Media Policies-Etiquette, Privacy- ethical problems posed by emerging social media technologies - The road ahead in social media- The Basics of Tracking Social Media - social media analytics- Insights Gained From Social Media- Customized Campaign Performance Reports - Observations of social media use.

Web Analytics - Present and Future, Data Collection - Importance and Options, Overview of Qualitative Analysis, Business Analysis, KPI and Planning, Critical Components of a Successful Web Analytics Strategy, Web Analytics Fundamentals, Concepts, Proposals & Reports, Web Data Analysis.

Search engine optimization (SEO), non-linear media consumption, user engagement, usergenerated content, web traffic analysis, navigation, usability, eye tracking, online security, online ethics, content management system, data visualization, RSS feeds, Mobile platforms, User centered design, Understanding search behaviors.

  1. 1) The students will be able to enhance the social media skills
  2. 2) The students will be able to develop a mass communication strategy and guide campaigns.
  3. 3) To get an idea of social media policiess
  4. 4) Understand the fundamentals and concepts of web analytics.
  5. 5) How to effectively use the resulting insights to support website design decisions, campaign optimisation, search analytics, etc.

  1. 1) K. M. Shrivastava, Social Media in Business and Governance, Sterling Publishers Private Limited, 2013
  2. 2) Christian Fuchs, Social Media a critical introduction, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2014
  3. 3) Bittu Kumar, Social Networking, V & S Publishers, 2013
  4. 4) Avinash Kaushik, Web Analytics - An Hour a Day, Wiley Publishing, 2007.
  5. 5) ric T. Peterson, Web Analytics Demystified, Celilo Group Media and Café Press, 2004
  6. 6) TakeshiMoriguchi, Web Analytics Consultant Official Textbook, 7th Edition, 2016


  • To understand the practices and technology to start an online business

e-business, e-business vs e-commerce, Economic forces – advantages – myths – e-business models, design, develop and manage e-business, Web 2.0 and Social Networking, Mobile Commerce, S-commerce

Internet and World Wide Web, internet protocols - FTP, intranet and extranet, information publishing technology- basics of web server hardware and software.

Consumer oriented e-business – e-tailing and models - Marketing on web – advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliated programs - e-CRM; online services, Business oriented e-business, e-governance, EDI on the internet, Delivery management system, Web Auctions, Virtual communities and Web portals – social media marketing

E-payments - Characteristics of payment of systems, protocols, e-cash, e-cheque and Micro payment systems- internet security – cryptography – security protocols – network security.

Legal, Ethics and privacy issues – Protection needs and methodology – consumer protection, cyber laws, contracts and warranties, Taxation and encryption policies.

  1. 1) Ability to build and manage an e-business
  2. 2) Knowledge about Technology Infrastructure
  3. 3) Understanding of customer oriented business applications
  4. 4) Knowledge of e business payment protocols and security
  5. 5) Understanding of ethical, legal , privacy issues and encrypt

  1. 1) Harvey M.Deitel, Paul J.Deitel, Kate Steinbuhler, e-business and e-commerce for managers, Pearson, 2011.
  2. 2) Efraim Turban, Jae K. Lee, David King, Ting Peng Liang, Deborrah Turban, Electronic Commerce – A managerial perspective, Pearson Education Asia, 2010.
  3. 3) Parag Kulkarni, SunitaJahirabadkao, Pradeep Chande, e business, Oxford University Press, 2012
  4. 4) Hentry Chan &el , E-Commerce – fundamentals and Applications, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2007.
  5. 5) Gary P. Schneider, Electronic commerce, Thomson course technology, Fourth annual edition, 2007
  6. 6) Bharat Bhasker, Electronic Commerce – Frame work technologies and Applications, 3rd Edition.
  7. 7) KamleshK.Bajaj and Debjani Nag, Ecommerce- the cutting edge of Business, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 7th reprint, 2009.
  8. 8) Kalakota et al, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Wesley, 2004 .
  9. 9) MichealPapaloelon and Peter Robert, e-business, Wiley India, 2006.


  • To exhibit the theoretical aspects of Enterprise Resource Planning.
  • To provide practical implication on ERP Suite implementation.

Overview of enterprise systems – Evolution - Risks and benefits - Fundamental technology - warehouse management.

Overview of enterprise systems – Evolution - Risks and benefits - Fundamental technology - warehouse management.

Overview of enterprise systems – Evolution - Risks and benefits - Fundamental technology - warehouse management.

Maintenance of ERP- Organizational and Industrial impact; Success and Failure factors of ERP Implementation.

Extended ERP systems and ERP add-ons -CRM, SCM, Business analytics - Future trends in ERP systems-web enabled, Wireless technologies, cloud computing and Augmented reality.

  1. 1) Knowledge of risk and benefits associated with Enterprise Resource Plannings
  2. 2) Knowledge or ERP solutions and functional modules
  3. 3) Exposure to the implementation environment
  4. 4) Understanding of post implementational impact and maintenance of ERP
  5. 5) Knowledge of emerging trends on ERP

  1. 1) Alexis Leon, ERP demystified, second Edition Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
  2. 2) Simha R. Magal , Jeffrey Word, Integrated Business processes with ERP systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
  3. 3) Jagan Nathan Vaman, ERP in Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008
  4. 4) Alexis Leon, Enterprise Resource Planning, second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
  5. 5) Mahadeo Jaiswal and Ganesh Vanapalli, ERP Macmillan India, 2009
  6. 6) Vinod Kumar Grag and N.K. Venkitakrishnan, ERP- Concepts and Practice, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
  7. 7) Summer, ERP, Pearson Education, 2008..



  • To describe the various streams of the supply chain
  • To describe the drivers of the supply chain
  • To describe the drivers of the supply chain
  • To explain about the strategies employed in the supply chain

Service and manufacturing supply chain dynamics - Evolution of supply chain management -Multiple views and flows - Service supply chains -Manufacturing supply chains - Measures of supply chain performance - Differentiation-Bullwhip effect

Integrated supply chains design - Customer relationship process - Order fulfilment process - Supplier relationship process - Supply chain strategies - Strategic focus - Mass customization - Lean supply chains - Outsourcing and offshoring - Virtual supply chains.

Drivers of supply chain performance - Logistics drivers (Location, inventory and transportation) -Cross functional drivers (Pricing, information and sourcing) – Forecasting introduction -Framework for a forecast system - Choosing right forecasting technique - Judgment methods (Composite Forecasts, Surveys, Delphi Method, Scenario Building, Technology Forecasting, Forecast by Analogy) - Causal methods (Regression Analysis -Linear & Non-Linear Regression, Econometrics) - Time series analysis (Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA), Exponential Smoothing, Extrapolation, Linear Prediction, Trend Estimation, Growth Curve, Box-Jenkins Approach) – CPFR

Introduction to Sales and operations planning - Purpose of sales and operations plans -Decision context - Sales and operations planning as a process - Overview of decision support tools

Enterprise resource planning - Planning and control systems for manufacturers – Materials requirement planning - Drum – Buffer – Rope system – Scheduling - Scheduling service and manufacturing processes - Scheduling customer demand - Scheduling employees - Operations scheduling.

  1. 1) Identify the concepts of supply chain.
  2. 2) Analyze supply chain dynamics and various issues of supply chain performance.

  1. 1) Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Pearson, 2010.
  2. 2) Janat Shah, Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education India, 2009
  3. 3) Supply Chain management, Chandrasekaran,N., Oxford University Publications, 2010
  4. 4) Supply Chain Management for The 21st Century by B S SAHAY. Macmillan Education, 2001


  • To provide understanding of the framework
  • To illustrate current practices in industries.
  • To provide knowledge on certain tools & techniques

The Purchasing Process. Purchasing Policies and Procedures. Supply Management Integration for Competitive Advantage, Purchasing and Supply Management Organization.

Supply Management and Commodity Strategy Development, Supplier Evaluation and Selection Supplier Quality Management Supplier Management and Development, Creating a World-Class Supply Base, Worldwide Sourcing

Strategic Cost Management, Purchasing and Supply Chain Analysis: Tools and Techniques, Negotiation and Conflict Management Contract Management Purchasing Law and Ethics.

Performance Measurement and Evaluation: Strategies, tools and techniques for measuring and managing supplier performance, Supplier performance evaluation, Purchasing services, Supply Chain Information Systems and Electronic Sourcing.

Purchasing and Supply Strategy Trends Green Buying, Sustainability, material research, Lean supply Chain Management.

  1. 1) To understand basic functions and nuances.
  2. 2) To understand the holistic dimensions of SCM & corporate perspectives.
  3. 3) Learn to acquire skills to become a sourcing professional.

  1. 1) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Robert .M. Monczka, Handfield, GIunipero Paterson, Waters, 6th Edition, Cengage Publication
  2. 2) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Benton, 3 rd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
  3. 3) World Class Supply Chain Management, Burt, Dobler, Starling, 7th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
  4. 4) Supply Chain Management for The 21st Century by B S SAHAY. Macmillan Education,2001


  • This course provides you the basic concepts and advanced models in inventory management. This course discusses issues related to inventory in a supply chain context. It also gives a multidimensional view to approach a problem with case studies.

Inventory in SCM, Cash to cash cycle time, measure of inventory in terms of days, Inventory turnover ratio and its relationship with working capital, Review of models, Q-models and P-models Aggregation of Inventory, Cycle stock concepts, Ordering multiple items in a single order to reduce cycle stock

Safety stock issues Safety stock with lead time and demand uncertainty (for Q-models), Short term discounting & Forward Buying, Periodic review models with safety stock, Comparison of P and Q systems

Single period models, Inventory management for fashion supply chains, Postponement strategies to reduce inventory, Examples of Fashion supply chains: NFL Reebok, ZARA and Sport Obermeyor Risk Pooling, Applications, Risk pooling in different forms-Substitution, Specialisation, Postponement and Information pooling

Distribution resource planning techniques, Inventory and transportation integration decisions, Vendor Managed Inventory, Product availability measures, Product fill rate, order fill rate, Cycle service level.

Industry initiatives, Efficient consumer Response and Quick response ,CPFR and other industry initiatives, Inventory reduction strategies, Managing inventory in Reverse Logistics and Remanufacturing situations , Best practices in Inventory Management in a Supply Chain

  1. 1) At the end of this course, the students can confidently approach their supply chain inventory issues and they can use different tools appropriately to solve the problems and enhance the performance of their supply chains.

  1. 1) Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Pearson, 2010.
  2. 2) Janat Shah, Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education India, 2009
  3. 3) Supply chain management, Chandrasekaran,N., Oxford University Publications, 2010
  4. 4) Supply Chain Management For The 21st Century by B S SAHAY. Macmillan Education,2001


  • To explain the various technological aspects that are described in the different logistical background
  • To explain the real time description updated technologies in the logistics sector and supply chain industry

Introduction e-SCM – e-SCM framework - Key success factors for e-SCM - Benefits of e-SCMPositioning information in Logistics - Strategic information linkage - Supply chain communication networks - Role of communication networks in supply chains - Overview of telecommunication networks –EDI - Data security in supply chain networks - Overview of internet able models

Overview of enterprise information systems - Information functionality and principles -Introduction enterprise information systems -Classification of enterprise information systems- Information architecture -Framework for managing supply chain information - Describe on popular enterprise application packages -Benefits of enterprise information systems

Stakeholders in supply chain information systems - Stakeholders in SCM - Stakeholders in supply chain information systems - Information systems development- Logistics information systems designDefining enterprise architecture - Choosing appropriate system development methodologies - Adopting relevant systems development model

Information systems deployment - IT Operations and infrastructure management - Portfolio, programme and project management - Management of risk - Management of value

Enterprise application integration and supply chain visibility - Enterprise application integration - Supply chain visibility - Supply chain event management -Supply chain performance -Planning and design methodology - Problem definition and planning - Data collection and analysis - Recommendations and implementation -Decision support systems

  1. 1) The students will be able to understand the various enterprise information system and its architecture and benefits. Students can gain knowledge about various e-commerce models, e-SCM, benefits and communication networks.

  1. 1) Bowersox & Closs, Logistical Management, McGraw-Hill Companies, 1996.
  2. 2) R.H.Ballou, Business Logistics Management, Prentice-Hall, 2004.

  1. 1) Strauss,E-Marketing, 4/e, Pearson Education 2008
  2. 2) Chaffey, E- Business and E- Commerce Management, 3/e, Pearson Education 2008
  3. 3) Blanchard, Logistics Engineering & Management, 6/e, Pearson Education 2008
  4. 4) Statistics for Managers Using MS Excel, 4/e, Levine, Pearson Education 2007
  5. 5) Donald J. Bowersox and David J. Closs, Logistical Management - The Integrated Supply chain


  • To help the students in explaining the significance of Warehousing.
  • To provide timely customer service,
  • To keep track of items so they can be found readily & correctly
  • To minimize the total physical effort
  • To minimize the cost of moving goods in & out of stage.

Introduction Warehousing – Basic Warehousing Decisions – Warehouse Operations – Types of Warehouses – Functions – Centralized & Decentralized – S rage Systems – Warehousing Cost Analysis – Warehouse Layout – Characteristics if Ideal Warehouse

Inventory: Basic Concepts – Role in Supply Chain – Role in Competitive Strategy – Independent Demand Systems – Dependent Demand Systems – Functions – Types _ Cost – Need for Inventory – Just in Time

Inventory Control – ABC Inventory Control – Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems – Distribution Requirement Planning – Bull Whip Effect – Using WMS for Managing Warehousing Operations

Principles and Performance Measures Of Material Handling Systems – Fundamentals of Material Handling – Various Types of Material Handling Equipments – Types of Conveyors – Refrigerated Warehouses- Cold Chain- Agri SCM

Modern Warehousing – Au mated S rage & Retrieval Systems & their Operations – Bar Coding Technology & Applications in Logistics Industry – RFID Technology & Applications – Advantages of RFID

  1. 1) At the end of the course, the students will be able to get complete insight in to warehouse concepts, various inventory control techniques and application of inventory management in supply chain.

  1. 1) Vinod.V.Sople, Logistics Management, Pearson Education, 2004.
  2. 2) Arnold, Introduction Materials Management, Pearson Education, 2009.

  1. 1) Frazelle, World Class Warehousing & Material Handling, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008
  2. 2) Satish K. Kapoor and PurvaKansal, Basics of Distribution Management - A Logistical Approach, Prentice Hall, 2003
  3. 3) Satish K. Kapoor and PurvaKansal Marketing, Logistics - A Supply Chain Approach , Pearson Education, 2003


  • To explore the fundamental concepts of transportation and distribution management
  • To gain knowledge in network planning, routing and scheduling and application of IT in transportation and distribution management.

Role of Distribution in Supply chain, Distribution channels – Functions, resources, Operations in Distribution, Designing Distribution network models - its features - advantages and disadvantages.

Distribution network planning, Distribution network decisions, Distribution requirement planning (DRP)

Role of Transportation in Logistics and Business, Principle and Participants-Scope and relationship with other business functions, Modes of Transportation - Mode and Carrier selection, Routing and scheduling.

International transportation, Carrier, Freight and Fleet management, Transportation management systems-Administration, Rate negotiation, Trends in Transportation.

Usage of IT applications -E commerce – ITMS, Communication systems-Automatic vehicle location systems, Geographic information Systems

  1. 1) Gain knowledge about the distribution requirements planning.
  2. 2) Predict the scope and relationship of transportation with other business functions
  3. 3) Make use of the advantages and disadvantages of the various models.

  1. 1) Raghuram and N. Rangaraj, Logistics and Supply chain Management – Leveraging Mathematical and Analytical Models: Cases and Concepts, New Delhi: Macmillan, 2000.
  2. 2) Janat Shah, Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education India, 2009.

  1. 1) Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Pearson, 2010.
  2. 2) Michael B Stroh, Practical Guide to Transportation and Logistics, Logistics Network, 2006.
  3. 3) Alan Rushton, John Oxley, Handbook of Logistics & Distribution Management, Kogan Page Publishers, 2000.


  • To prepare students successfully implement a contract logistics and closed supply chain in Retail, FMCG and Automobile sectors.
  • To explain the concept and principle of contract logistics and closed supply chain

Third party logistics industry overview - A framework for strategic alliances - Evolution of contract logistics - Types of third party logistics providers – Automobile, FMCG and Retail-Third party services and integration

Introduction closed loop supply chains and logistics – Logistics and closed loop supply chain service - Overview of return logistics and closed loop supply chain models – Introduction product returns - Product Vs Parts returns - Strategic issues in closed loop supply chains

Overview - Introduction life cycle management - Trends and opportunities – Auto Warranty management, return process and benchmarks - Market overview - Reasons for using reverse logistics - General characteristics - Consumer goods Depot repair and value added services - Operating dynamics - Competitive evaluation - Secondary markets and final disposal.

Emerging trends in Retail, E-Commerce- FMCG and Automobile sectors- Systems and technology - For consumer goods operations, High tech logistics system - Impact and value of advanced logistics

Managing processes - Step by step process - Use of third party service providers - Additional factors – Contemporary issues – Make in India and its impact on Countries GDP and Economic Growth

  1. 1) The students will be able to understand the basics of contract logistics, third party logistics industry and third party logistics providers. And it helps to gain knowledge about Make in India concept and its impact on the GDP growth

  1. 1) John Manners-Bell, Logistics and Supply Chains in Emerging Markets, Kogan Page, 2014.
  2. 2) Janat Shah, Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education India, 2009.

  1. 1) Coyle, Management Of Transportation, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011
  2. 2) D. F. Blumberg, Reverse Logistics & Closed Loop Supply Chain Processes, Taylor and Francis, 2005
  3. 3) Hsin-I Hsiao, Wageningen, Logistics Outsourcing in the Food Processing Industry, Academic Pub, 2009
  4. 4) Surendra M. Gupta, Sustainability in Supply Chain Management Casebook: Applications in SCM, McGraw Hill, 2013


  • To provide the participants with a good knowledge of airfreight operations, services and management that can support them in various business functions and roles such as operations, customer service, account management and sales.
  • To create awareness about the Air Cargo management.
  • To provide general information or a framework on the setup of air cargo processes, for business.

Ground Handling Agencies - Air Craft - Advantage of Air shipment - Economics of Air Shipment - Sensitive Cargo by Air shipment - Do's and Don'ts in Air Cargo Business

Air Cargo Console - Freighting of Air Cargo - Volume based Calculation of Freight - Weight based Calculation of Freight - Import Documentation - Export Documentation

Airway Bills - FIATA - IATA - History of IATA - Mission of IATA - Price setting by IATA -Licensing of Agencies - Sub Leasing of Agencies - freight carriers by scheduled freight tonne kilometers flown

History of Dubai Cargo Village - Location of DCV - Equipment and Handling at DCV - Operations - Advantage of Sea Air Cargo - Why Sea Air Cargo is Cheaper - Why Air freight from Dubai is Cheaper?

DG Cargo by Air - Classification and labelling - Types of Labels according Cargo – Samples of Labels - Packing and Transportation of DG Goods by Air

  1. 1) The outcome of this course will provide the basics concepts of airports and aircrafts and various participants in air cargo transportation. Students will come to know about roles of the customs and the government in air transport.

  1. 1) Yoon SeokChang,Air Cargo Management, CRC Press, 2015.
  2. 2) Xie Chun Xun Zhu, Air Cargo Management Introduction - Aviation Logistics, Management Series (Chinese Edition), Southeast University Press, 2006.
  3. 3) Hampton Simon Taylor, Air transport logistics, CRC Press, 2000.

  1. 1) Paul, Air cargo distributions: a management analysis of its economic and marketing benefits, Jackson and William Brackenridge (Gower Press), 1988.
  2. 2) Peter S. Smith, Air freight: operations, marketing and economics, Chu (Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers), 2004.
  3. 3) John Walter wood, Airports; some elements of designs and future development, Chu(Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers), 1981.


  • To provide an overview of the various elements of containerization and allied businesses
  • To realize the potential of containerization and allied businesses

Introduction to Liner Shipping industry - Unitization concept and methods - Malcolm Mclean and the birth of containerization - Generations of container ships and their specification - Container types, their specifications and cargoes carried in them.

Container shipping business - FCL and LCL sea freight products - Freighting of FCL and LCL cargo - Slot utilization strategies - Estimation of optimum container fleet size - Multiport LCL consolidation

Containerisation: Concept, Classification, Benefits and Constraints, Container terminal businessWorld’s leading container terminals and location characteristics - container terminal infrastructure - container terminal productivity and profitability-Inland container Depots(ICD)Roles and functions - Container Freight Stations(CFS),Clearance at ICD, CONCOD,ICD's under CONCOD, Charting: Kinds of Charter, Charter Party and Arbitration.

Container manufacturing trends - Container leasing business - Types of container leasing and their terms - maintenance and repair of containers - tracking of container movements - Container interchange.

Alternate uses of containers -marketing of used containers -carriage of shipper own containers - multimodal transport options for containers -Insurance for containers -strategies for managing container imbalance.

  1. 1) The students will learn the practices and ways to promote containerization and allied businesses
  2. 2) The learners will have a complete idea about the different concepts, trends and strategies used for containerization and allied businesses

  1. 1) Marc Levinson, The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger, Princeton University Press, 2008.
  2. 2)Dr. K. V. Hariharan, Containerisation, Multimodal Transport & Infrastructure Development In India, Sixth Edition, Shroff Publishers and Distributors, 2015.
  3. 3) Lee, C.-Y., Meng, Q. (Eds.), Handbook of Ocean Container Transport Logistics Making Global Supply Chains Effective, Springer, 2015
  4. 4) Coyle, Management Of Transportation, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011


  • To enlighten the students about the major functions in export and import processes.
  • To provide the expertise for solving issues related to requirements in EXIM management.

Role of Import and Export Trade in an Economy - Institutional Framework for Foreign trade in India -Role of Director General of Foreign Trade and Commerce - Objectives of EXIM Policy - Global trade flows - Contract of International Sale of Goods - INCOTERMS 2010

Marketing for Exports - Negotiation and finalization of Export contract - Export Documentation Procedures - Cargo Insurance - Export Promotion Councils and incentive schemes- Role of Logistics in Exports- Export Houses / Trading Houses

Import for industrial use / trading - Import Documentation and Customs clearance procedures - Types of Imports - Import Licenses - Cargo Insurance - Role of Logistics in Import

Payment methods in Foreign Trade - Documentary Credit / Letter of Credit–LOU-UCP 600 with respect to Shipping Documents and L/C Negotiation – Export / import financing strategies - Managing payment risks.

UNIT - V CUSTOMS CLEARANCE AND AGENCIES 9 Roles of Service providers in EXIM transactions – Global Traders – Commodity Brokers - Custom House Agents – Transport Operators – Freight Forwarders – Warehousing and 3PL service providers – Liners /Ship Agencies – Container Freight Stations - Port – Inspection Agencies/ surveyors – Quarantine Agencies – Pest Control Agencies – Chamber of Commerce.

  1. 1) The students would be aware about the formalities of export and import industry
  2. 2) The students will be able to comprehend the importance of exim management.

  1. 1) Justin Pauland Rajiv Aserkar, Export Import Management, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2013.
  2. 2) UshaKiranRai, Export - Import and Logistics Management, Second Edition, PHILearning, 2010.
  3. 3) Director General of Foreign Trade, Foreign Trade Policy and Handbook of Procedures,2015
  4. 4) Coyle, Management Of Transportation, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011


  • To provide the knowledge about fundamentals of shipping management
  • To equip the students with the knowledge of shipping, ship building and repair

Role of Shipping in International trade-Types of ships and cargoes carried by them - International Organizations serving the shipping industry (IMO, BIMCO, ICS, IACS, IAPH)- Ship Registration and Classification.

Liner shipping business - Types of Liner services - Container shipping lines and their services - Break bulk, Ro-Ro and project cargo services - Liner freight rates - Liner cargo documentation - Liner agency functions

Dry Bulk shipping business- World's leading dry bulkports and cargoes handled by them - Types of Dry bulk ships and the Dry Bulk industry structure - Dry bulk market indices - Types of Chartering - Port agency functions.

Liquid Bulk shipping business - World's leading wet bulk ports and cargoes handled by themTypes of tankers and gas carriers - Tanker freighting system (worldscale) -Factors affecting Tanker markets-Marine pollution conventions.

Service providers to shipping industry -Ship management companies -Ports, inland terminals and Container Freight Stations- Ship building and repair yards -Financing the Shipping industry - Marine insurance providers.

  1. 1) The students would be acquainted with the basics of shipping management
  2. 2) The students will learn the skills needed for shipping industry

  1. 1) Michael Robarts, Branch‟s Elements of Shipping, Ninth Edition, Routledge, 2014.
  2. 2) Peter Brodie, Commercial Shipping Handbook, Third Edition, Informa Law from Routledge, 2014.
  3. 3) Review of Maritime Transport, UNCTAD, 2014
  4. 4) Coyle, Management Of Transportation, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011


  • To enlighten the students about the major functions in the port and terminal management
  • To expose the students on the trends in port and terminal management

Role of ports in international trade and transport - Economic impact of ports on the regional economy - Multiplier effect - Location characteristics of ports - Different types of ports (natural, manmade, river, estuary).

Design features of facilities in ports for handling various cargoes - Organization structure in Ports -Delivery of port services and the relationship between various departments - Marine Department –Traffic Department – other departments.

Marketing of Port services - Pricing of Port services - Components of port tariff - Concept of hinterland – Identifying the needs of ship owners and operators, ship agents, forwarders, truckers, rail and barge operators - Concept of Total Logistics cost.

Measurement of port performance - vessel turn round time, cargo volume, speed of cargo handling - Information flow requirements of the port, statutory bodies and port users - Port community computer systems and EDI applications.

Environmental issues connected with Ports & Terminals - Health and safety issues - Port security issues - International Ships and Port facility security (ISPS) code - Role of national, regional and local governments in owning / operating / managing ports.

  1. 1) The students would be aware about skills pertaining to port and terminal management
  2. 2) The students should be able to understand the principles and applications for port and terminal management

  1. 1) Maria G. Burns, Port Management and Operations, CRC Press, 2014.
  2. 2) Patrick Alderton, Port Management and Operations, Third Edition, Lloyd's Practical Shipping Guides, 2008
  3. 3) H. Ligteringen, H. Velsink, Ports and Terminals, VSSD Publishers, 2012.
  4. 4) Coyle, Management Of Transportation, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011



  • To give an exposure to the students on the concept and the principles of planning, scheduling and control about infrastructure industry

Introduction to infrastructure - Need and importance of infrastructure in India - Overview of power sector - Overview of water supply and sanitation sector-Overview of road, rail, air and port transportation sectors-Overview of telecommunication sector-Overview of rural and urban infrastructure-Introduction to special economic zones-Organizations and players in infrastructure field -Overview of infrastructure project finance.

Privatization of infrastructure in India - Benefits of privatization-Problems with privatizationChallenges in privatization of water supply projects- Challenges in privatization of power sector projects – Challenges in privatization of road transportation projects.

Economic and demand risks, political risks, socio-economic risks and cultural risks in infrastructure projects -Legal and contractual issues in infrastructure projects- Challenges in construction of infrastructure projects.

Planning to mitigate risk-Designing sustainable contracts-Introduction to fair process and negotiation-Negotiation with multiple stakeholders - Sustainable development- Information technology and systems for successful management.

Innovative design and maintenance of infrastructure facilities- Modeling and life cycle analysis techniques-Capacity building and improving Government’s role in implementationIntegrated framework for successful planning and management.

  1. 1) Explain the basic concepts related to infrastructure and understand management
  2. 2) Explain the benefits and problems with infrastructure
  3. 3) Identify the challenges and strategies for successful planning and implementation of infrastructure.
  4. 4) Apply the above concepts to various infrastructure domains.

  1. 1) Raina V.K, “Construction Management Practice – The inside Story”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Limited, 2005
  2. 2) Leslie Feigenbaum, “Construction Scheduling With Primavera Project Planner”, Prentice Hall, 2002
  3. 3) W.Ronald Hudson, Ralph Haas, Waheed Uddin, “Infrastructure Management: Integrating, Design, Construction, Maintenance, Rehabilitation and renovation”, McGraw Hill Publisher, 2013
  4. 4) Prasanna Chandra, “Projects – Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation Review”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi. 2006
  5. 5) Joy P.K., “Total Project Management - The Indian Context”, Macmillan India Ltd., 1992
  6. 6) Report on Indian Urban Infrastructure and Services – The High Powered Expert Committee for estimating the Investment Requirements for Urban Infrastructure Services, March 2011
  7. 7) Urban Water Development in India 2011 – Published and Distributed by India Infrastructure Research
  8. 8) Manual on sewerage and sewage treatment, CPHEEO, Ministry of urban affairs and employment, Govt.of India, New Delhi, 2012
  9. 9) Manual of National Highway Authority of India, 1988


  • To create awareness on contracts for construction industry, impart knowledge on tender preparation, tendering process, laws on arbitration, arbitration procedure and laws on dispute resolution in India

Brief details of engineering contracts -Definition, types and essentials of contracts and clauses for contracts - Preparation of tender documents and contract documents - Issues related to tendering process- Awarding contract, e-tendering process - Time of performance - Provisions of contract law - Breach of contract - Performance of contracts - Discharge of a contract- Indian contract Act 1872 - Extracts and variations in engineering contracts - Risk management in contracts.

Labor and industrial laws - Payment of wages act, contract labor - Workmen’s compensation act - Insurance, industrial dispute act- Role of RERA

Background of Arbitration in India - Indian Arbitration Act 1937 - UNCITRAL model law - Forms of arbitration - Arbitration agreement - Commencement of arbitral proceedings - Constitution of arbitral tribunal - Institutional procedure of arbitration -Impartiality and independence of arbitrators jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal - Interim measures - Enforcement of awards.

Concepts and purpose - Statutory back ground ADR and mediation rules - Duty of mediator and disclose facts - Power of court in mediation.

Structure of Indian Judicial - The arbitration and reconciliation ordinance 1996 -Dispute resolution mechanism under the Indian judicial system - Litigation in Indian courts - Case studies.

  1. 1) understand the laws on contracts for construction industry in india
  2. 2) apply knowledge of contracts in preparation of contract document and tendering process
  3. 3) apply appropriate methods to assess the critical factors in contracts leading to arbitration and disputes between the parties
  4. 4) suggest suitable type of arbitration or dispute resolution for the situation of problem

  1. 1) American Arbitration Association, “Construction industry arbitration rules andmediation procedures”, 2007
  2. 2) Case study of Southern Railway Arbitration
  3. 3)Collex.K, “Managing Construction Contracts”, Reston publishing company, Virginia,1982
  4. 4) Eastern Book Company “Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996”, June 2008
  5. 5) International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) documents, Geneva,2009 (
  6. 6) Gajaria. G.T., “ Laws relating to building and Engineer’s Contracts”, M.M. TripathiPvt Ltd., Mumbai, 1985
  7. 7)Horgon.M.O and Roulstion F.R., “Project Control of Engineering Contracts” E andFN, SPON, Norway, 1988
  8. 8)Krishna Sharma, Momota Oinam and Angshuman Kaushik, “Development andPractice of Arbitration in India- Has it evolved as an effective legal Institution”,CDDRL, Stanford, 103, Oct 2009
  9. 9) Park.W.B., “Construction Bidding for Projects”, John Wiley, Norway, 1978
  10. 10) Roshan Namavati, “Professional Practice”, Anuphai Publications, Lakhani BookDepot, 2013
  11. 11) Vasavada.B.J. “Engineering Contracts and Arbitration” , March 1996


  • To impart projects types, time & resource management, resource optimization and new trends in project management.

Define project and process -Boundaries of project - Objectives and functions of project management -Characteristics and types of projects -Organization structure / styles -Roles of project management group - Project management office and its role - Project knowledge area - Project integration- Process group interaction -project flow - Project life cycleInfluencing factors. - Case study.

Project scope management - Work break down structure - Activity/Task – Events - Case study - Project planning tools - Rolling wave planning - Gantt charts, Milestone chart, Program progress chart- Creating milestone plan - Project network- Fulkerson’s rules - A-OA and A-O-N networks - Analyze project time- Critical path method (deterministic approach) - Activity oriented network analysis- 80-20 rule- Case study - Type of time estimates & square network diagram - Project updating and monitoring- Case study - Estimate time- Program Evaluation & Review Technique (Probabilistic approach)- Event oriented network analysisOptimistic, pessimistic and most likely time - Degree of variability in average time - Probabilistic estimate - % utilization of resources.

Types of Resource- Time, Men, Material, Machinery, Money, Space - Balancing of resource - Resource smoothing technique- Time constraint - Resource leveling technique- Resource constraint- Case study.

Types of cost – Direct, indirect and total cost - Variation of cost with time - Schedule compression techniques- Crashing, fast tracking & Re-estimation- Crash timeand crash cost - Optimize project cost for time and resource - CPM cost model - Life cycle assessment - Impacts and economical assessment - Life cycle cost- Maintenance and operation -Life cycle forecasting – Concept and applications.

AGILE Project management and Project Management using latest tools- Case study

  1. 1)Explain the concept of projects, its process, objectives and functions of project managemen
  2. 2) Analyze and manage time in projects through gantt charts, cpm and pert techniques
  3. 3) Balance resource requirements of projects so as to avoid idling of resources
  4. 4) Update projects and determine revised schedule of activities and critical path, if any
  5. 5) Crash projects to determine its optimum time-minimum cost relationships

  1. 1) "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) – Fourth Edition, An American National Standard, ANSI/PMI 990001-2008"
  2. 2) A Risk Management Standard, AIRMIC Publishers, ALARM, IRM: 2002
  3. 3) Gene Dixon, “Service Learning and Integrated Collaborative Project Management”, Project Management Journal, DOI:10.1002/pmi, February 2011, pp.42-58
  4. 4) Jerome D. Wiest and Ferdinand K. Levy, “A Management Guide to PERT/CPM”, Prentice Hall of India Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 1994.
  5. 5) Punmia B. C. and Khandelwal K.K., “Project Planning and Control with PERT/CPM”, Laxmi publications, New Delhi, 1989.
  6. 6) Srinath L.S., “PERT & CPM- Principles and Applications”, Affiliated East West Press Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi, 2008
  7. 7) Sengupta. B and Guha. H, “Construction Management and Planning”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1995
  8. 8) SangaReddi. S and Meiyappan. PL, “Construction Management”, Kumaran Publications, Coimbatore, 1999


  • To impart knowledge on management of human resources, labor legislation, safety and quality aspects in construction

Introduction - Concept- Growth - Role and function - Manpower planning for construction companies - Line and staff function - Recruitment, selection, placement, induction and training; over staffing; Time office and establishment functions; wage and salary administration - Discipline - Separation process.

Labor laws- Labor law relating to construction industry- Interstate migration- Industrial relations- Collective bargaining- Worker’s participation in management - Grievance handling - Discipline - Role of law enforcing agencies and judiciary -Women in construction industry.

Importance of safety- Causes of accidents -Responsibility for safety - Role of various parties in safety management -Safety benefits- Approaches to improve safety in construction for different works - Measuring safety

Application of ergonomics to the construction industry - Prevention of fires at construction site- Safety audit.

Importance of quality - Elements of quality - Quality characteristics- Quality by design - Quality conformance -Contractor quality control - Identification and traceability - Continuous chain management - Brief concept and application - Importance of specifications- Incentives and penalties in specifications - Workmanship as a mark of quality - Final inspection - Quality assurance techniques - Inspection, testing, sampling - Documentation - Organization for quality control, Cost of quality - Introduction to TQM, Six sigma concept- ISO 14000 in quality management.

  1. 1) Identify the need and importance of human resource management, labour laws relating to construction industry
  2. 2) Identify the need and measures to improve safety in construction industry and safety audit
  3. 3) Identify the need for applying ergonomics to construction industry
  4. 4) Enumerate the need, importance, elements of quality and significance of quality assurance in industry

  1. 1) Arya Ashok, “Human Resources Management – Human Dimensions in Management”March 24-26, 2011, Organizational Development Programme Division – New Delhi
  2. 2) Arya Ashok, “Essence of Labour Laws”-
  3. 3) Arya Ashok “Discipline & Disciplinary procedure” Organisation Development Institute, 1998
  4. 4) Arya Ashok, “Management case studies – An analytical and Developmental Tool”Organisation Development Institute, New Delhi, 1999
  5. 5) Corlecton Coulter, Jill Justice Coulter, The Complete Standard Hand Book ofConstruction Management”, Prentice Hall, (1989)
  6. 6) Dwivedi R.S., “Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour”, (BH – 1987)
  7. 7) Grant E.L., and Leavens worth, “Statistical Quality Control”, Mc Graw Hill, 1984. New Delhi, 1995
  8. 8) James J Obrien, “Construction Inspection Hand Book – Quality Assurance and QualityControl”, Van NOstrand, New York, 1989
  9. 9) Josy J. Farrilaro, “Hand Book of Human Resources Administration” Mc.Graw Hill(International Edition) 1987.
  10. 10) Juran Frank, J.M. and Gryna F.M. “Quality Planning and Analysis”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1982.
  11. 11) Malik, P.L., “Handbook of Labour & Industrial Law”, Eastern book company, Lalbagh, Lucknow, 2010
  12. 12) Manoria C.B., “Personnel Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, 1992.


  • To create an awareness on the various types of disasters and to expose the students about the measures, its effect against built structures, and hazard assessment procedure in India.
  • To impart knowledge on the methods of mitigating various hazards such that their impact on communities is reduced

Difference between hazards and disaster -Types of disasters-Phases of disaster management -Hazards - Classification of hazards - Hazards affecting buildings - Building safety against hazards - Floods - Cyclone - Landslides -Tsunami - Fire.

Earthquake hazard map -Causes of earthquakes -Classification of earthquakes -Seismic waves -Energy release - Inertia forces - Natural period - Resonance - Damping -Seismic response of free vibration -Seismic response of damped vibration -Performance of ground and buildings in past earthquakes-Earthquake resistant measures in RC and masonry buildings - Potential deficiencies of RC and masonry buildings.

Landslides-Landslide zoning map - Causes -Protection measures Floods -Flood zone map - Effects on buildings -Protection measures from damage to buildings -Mitigation strategies - Tropical cyclones - Effects on buildings -Protection measures from damage to buildings - Tsunami -Tsunami wave characteristics -Peculiarities of tsunami deposits -Tsunami impact on coastal lines-Effects of Tsunami on built structures - Fire disaster - Causes and effects of fire disaster - Preventive mechanism .

Visual inspection and study of available documents -Detailed in-situ investigation planning and interpretation of results-Foundation capability -Non-structural components - Seismic strengthening of buildings –Repairs, restoration and strengthening of existing buildings - Strengthening materials -Retrofitting of load bearing wall buildings - Retrofitting of RC Buildings-RVS method of screening - RC and masonry structures -Seismic hazard assessment - Deterministic seismic hazard analysis - PSHA.

Introduction-Community planning - Community contingency plan - Report building and initial awareness - Recommendations for land use zoning regulations - Construction quality control -Evolution of quality management -Reasons for poor construction -Construction of quality control in masonry structures - Disaster management policy and procedure -Legal frame work - Institutional mechanism - Schemes and grants on DM - Recommendation of 13th finance commission -Plan schemes - Non plan schemes - Externally aided schemes Role of NDRF in Disaster Management - Medical First Responder - Flood Rescue &Relief Management.

  1. 1) Understand the various types of disaster viz hydrological, coastal and marine disasters, atmospheric disasters, geological, mass movement and land disasters, wind and water driven disasters.
  2. 2) To identify the potential deficiencies of existing buildings for eq disaster and suggest suitable remedial measures.
  3. 3) Derive the guide lines for the precautionary measures and rehabilitation measures for eq disaster.
  4. 4) Understand the effects of disasters on built structure
  5. 5) Derive the protection measures against floods, cyclone and land slides
  6. 6) Understand the hazard assessment procedure
  7. 7) Get the awareness regarding landuse zoning regulations &quality control

  1. 1) Annual Report, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2009-10
  2. 2) Ayaz Ahmad, “Disaster Management: Through the New Millennium” Anmol Publications, 2003
  3. 3) Berg.GV, “Seismic Design codes and procedures”, EERI, CA,1982
  4. 4) Booth, Edmund, “Concrete Structures in earthquake regions; Design and Analysis”, Longman, 1994
  5. 5) Dowrick. D.J, “Earthquake resistant design for Engineers and Architects”, John Wiley & Sons, Second Edition, 1987
  6. 6) Ghosh G.K. “Disaster Management”, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, 2006
  7. 7) Goel, S. L. “Encyclopaedia of Disaster Management”, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt Ltd.,2006
  8. 8) Jaikrishna & A.R.Chandrasekaran, “Elements of Earthquake Engineering”, Sarita Prakashan, Meerut,1996
  9. 9) Singh R.B, “Disaster Management”, Rawat Publications, 2008
  10. 10) Thirteenth Finance Commision Report, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, 2010-15


  • To study the concepts of construction economics and finance such as comparing alternatives proposals, evaluating alternative investments, management of funds, Insurance procedures, risks involved and economics of costing.

Time Value of Money - Cash flow diagram - Nominal and effective Interest - Continuous interest - Nominal and effective interest- continuous interest . Single Payment Compound Amount Factor (P/F,F/P) – Uniform series of Payments (F/A,A/F,F/P,A/P)– Problem time zero (PTZ)- equation time zero (ETZ). Constant increment to periodic payments – Arithmetic Gradient(G), Geometric Gradient (C)

Types of Market Structure in the Construction Industry – Markets and the competitive environmentPerfect competition -. Monopolistic competition - Oligopoly - Monopoly – Characteristics and economic Profit – Construction Economics – BOOT, BOT, BOO Methods - Depreciation - InflationTaxes

Present worth analysis, Annual worth analysis, Future worth analysis, Rate of Return Analysis (ROR) and Incremental Rate of Return (IROR) Analysis, Benefit/Cost Analysis, Break Even Analysis - Replacement Analysis- Equipment Replacement Analysis.

Project Finance - Sources - Working capital management- Inventory Management- Mortgage Financing-- Interim construction financing - Security and risk aspects

Construction accounting-Chart of accounts- Meaning and definition of costing - Types of costing - Methods of calculation (Marginal costing, cost sheet, budget preparation) – Equipment CostReplacement Analysis - Role of costing technique in real estate and infrastructure management.

  1. 1) On completion of this course the students will be able to know the concepts in Economics and Finance in Construction.

  1. 1) Pandey, I.M, Financial Management, 12th Edition Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2012
  2. 2) Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
  3. 3) Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus, Sudip Chaudhuri and Anindya Sen, Economics, 19th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
  4. 4)Blank, L.T., and Tarquin,a.J , Engineering Economy,4th Edn. Mc-Graw Hill, 1988.
  5. 5) Patel, B M, Project management- strategic Financial Planning, Evaluation and Control, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2000.
  6. 6)Shrivastava,U.K., Construction Planning and Management,2nd Edn. Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2000.
  7. 7)Steiner, H.M.,Engineering Economic principles, 2nd Edn. Mc-Graw Hill Book, New York, 1996.


  • To create an awareness on the various environmental issues in an urban scenario and give an exposure to the urban water resources and its management.
  • To impart knowledge on the stages of works involved in a water supply project of a city, safe wastewater collection system for generated wastewater and its management, solid waste and their safe disposal beyond urban limit to be free from pollution is also addressed in the course work

Urbanization- Population growth scenario -Migration - Pollution of surface water resources - Rivers, tanks, channels -Ground water exploitation - Waste water -Characteristics -Pollution problems - Solid waste -Air pollution - CPCB norms.

Planning and organizational aspects -Urban waste resources management - Water in urban ecosystem -Urban water resources planning and organization aspects -Storm water management practices -Types of storage -Magnitude of storage -Storage capacity of urban components - Percolation ponds -Temple tanks -Rainwater harvesting -Urban water supply - Demand estimation - Population forecasting -Source identification -Water conveyance -Storage reservoirs -Fixing storage capacity - Distribution network -Types -Analysis -Computer applications - Conservation techniques - Integrated urban water planning - Smart city project planning - Green Building - LEED certification - Green audit

Sewage generation -Storm drainage estimation -Industry contribution -Wastewater collection system -Separate and combined system -Hydraulic design of sewer and storm drain -Wastewater treatment -Disposal methods -Concept of decentralization - 3R concepts.

Sources of solid waste -Characteristics -Rate of generation -Segregation at source -Collection of solid waste -Methods of collection -Route analysis -Transfer and transfer stations -Processing and disposal of solid waste.

Environmental economics- Social and physiological aspects of pollution - Successful urban management -Models- Urban management-Case studies from developed nations -Software.

  1. 1) understand planning of a city and identify various urban environmental issues
  2. 2) apply and prepare project plans to integrate urban water resource
  3. 3) develop water resource management using available water resources
  4. 4) understand and apply the principles of solid waste management

  1. 1) George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel A, Vigil “Integrated Solid Waste Management”, McGraw Hill Publishers, New York, 1993.
  2. 2) McGhee J., “Water supply and sewerage”, McGraw Hill Publishers, 1991
  3. 3) Martin P. Wanelista and Yousef. “Storm Water Management and Operations”, John Wiley and Sons, 1993.
  4. 4) Neil S. Grigg., “Urban Water Infrastructure Planning – Management and Operations”, John Wiley and Sons, 1986.


  • To give an exposure on the advanced materials, techniques and equipments used in infrastructure industry.

Concrete -Behavior of concrete - High strength and high performance concrete - Fibre reinforced concrete - Self compacting concrete - Bacterial concrete -Reactive powder concrete - Ready mix concrete -Geopolymer concrete -Alternative materials for concrete.

Steels - New alloy steels - Coatings to reinforcement - Cold formed steel -Aluminum and its products -Applications. Composites: Plastics - Reinforced polymers- FRP -Applications. Smart and intelligent materials: smart and intelligent materials for intelligent buildings - Special features.

Sub structure construction: Box jacking- Pipe jacking- Under water construction of diaphragm walls and basement- Tunneling techniques-Cable anchoring and grouting- Driving diaphragm walls, sheet piles, laying operations for built up offshore system- Shoring for deep cutting- Large reservoir construction -Trenchless technology.

Vacuum dewatering of concrete flooring- Concrete paving technology- Techniques of construction for continuous concreting operation in tall buildings of various shapes and varying sections -Launching techniques suspended form work -Erection techniques of tall structures, large span structures- Launching techniques for heavy decks -Inset pre-stressing in high rise structures, aerial transporting, handling, erecting lightweight components on tall structures.

Erection of lattice towers and rigging of transmission line structures- Construction sequence in cooling towers, silos, chimney, sky scrapers, bow string bridges, cable stayed bridges - Launching and pushing of box decks -Advanced construction techniques of offshore structuresConstruction sequence and methods in domes and prestress domes -Support structure for heavy equipment and conveyor and machinery in heavy industries -Erection of articulated structures, braced domes and space decks. Demolition Techniques -Advanced techniques and sequence in demolition and dismantling.

  1. 1) explain the properties and applications of special concretes, composites, smart and intelligent materials
  2. 2) identify and explain advanced construction techniques used for sub structure construction
  3. 3) select appropriate techniques for super structure construction of buildings
  4. 4) select suitable techniques for construction of special structures
  5. 5) choose relevant technique for demolition and dismantling works

  1. 1) Jerry Irvine, “Advanced Construction Techniques”, C.A. Rocketr, 1984
  2. 2) Patrick Powers, “Construction Dewatering: New Methods and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, 1992
  3. 3) Robertwade Brown, “Practical foundation Engineering handbook”, McGraw Hill Publications, 1995.
  4. 4) Sankar S.K. and Saraswathi. S, “Construction Technology”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008.


  • To provide the participants with a good knowledge on strategic planning and marketing in airport organizations.

Growth of air transport, Airport organization and associations, Classification of airports airfield components, Air traffic zones and approach areas. Context of airport system planning - Development of airport planning process - Ultimate consumers - Airline decision - Other airport operations

Components, size, turning radius, speed, airport characteristics. Capacity and Delay - Factors affecting capacity, determination of runway capacity related to delay, gate capacity and taxiway capacity.

Runway length and width, sight distances, longitudinal and transverse, runway intersections, taxiways, clearances, aprons, numbering, holding apron. Planning and design of the terminal area: Operational concepts, space relationships and area requirements, noise control, vehicular traffic and parking at airports. Air traffic control and aids: Runways and taxiways markings, day and night landing aids, airport lighting and other associated aids.

The economic impact on countries and regions - the main governance patterns in the airport business - The International path of evolution in the airport business - Airport transport value chain - Air enterprises - two primary actors in the air transport value chain - Skipping peripheral positions in the value chain. Rise of airport marketing for the aviation related business - Airport revenue management- Airport alliances- management contract.

Related value Proposition. Evolution of traditional Airport - Evolutionary patterns for airport enterprises- Commercial Airport Philosophy - tourist and conference service - logistic servicesproperty management- consulting services - BAA and the non aviation business - best airport in the world: The case of Singapore Airport - Role and meaning of loyalty for a service companyBench marking airline experience - Provider - Customer relational link - benefits from ALPS implementation of ALPS.

  1. 1) Explain the classification of airports airfield components
  2. 2) Explain the main governance patterns in the airport business
  3. 3) Identify the evolutionary patterns for airport enterprises
  4. 4) Explain the primary actors in the air transport value chain

  1. 1)Aviation Safety Programs A Management Hand Book: Richard H. Wood - Jeppesen Sanderson Inc.
  2. 2) Inc. 2. Airport Systems,: Planning, Design and Management, Second Edition, Richard L. De Neufville , Amedeo R. Odoni, Peter Belobaba,& Tom G. Reynolds ), 2013
  3. 3) Airport Planning and Management, Sixth Edition, Seth B. Young, Ph.D., Alexander T. Wells, Ed.D., McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.
  4. 4) Asset and Infrastructure Management for Airports—Primer and Guidebook, The national academic press.


  • To provide the participants with a good knowledge on real estate marketing and management.

Fundamental concepts and techniques involved in real estate development process- Role of various organizations - CREDAI- BAI etc

Modeling sequential events in real estate development process - Site evaluation - Land procurement - Development Team assembly - Market study

Identifying technical inputs required, planning objectives, front end clearances from various authorities, timing of the project and scheduling

Identifying the elements of infrastructure and the resource mobilization, disaggregating the project components, mobilizing the human and fiscal resources procuring and storing materials

Over of the completed project- Communication tools required for presenting the project -In house sales promotion -Franchisee system -Joint venture and sharing issues - Procedure and laws relating to transfer of completed project.

  1. 1) Explain the fundamental concepts and techniques involved in real estate development process
  2. 2) Explain the procedure and laws relating to transfer of completed project
  3. 3) Identify the fiscal resources procuring and storing materials process.